The enrollment miscalculation continues to dog the Vancouver School District. The following is cribbed from VSB info released at this evenings school board meeting (see VSB Oct. 11 Committee III minutes; see also previous post on this topic, October 6, October 4. ).
In order to obtain input from the public and stakeholder groups with respect to the proposed Budget Reductions, a Committee lll/V meeting will be held at the Ed Centre on Tuesday November 14, starting at 7:00 to receive delegations.
Individuals or groups wanting to register as a delegation for this meeting should contact Trustee Support in the Secretary Treasure’s office by November 10th. It is anticipated that the Board will make decisions on the proposed budget reductions for phase 1 at the nov 20th board meeting.
This does not change the regular cttee lll meeting the next day. That date will go ahead as planned.
This is an extraordinary one, as promised, to discuss the cuts to staffing and programs relating to the low enrollment.
Phase 1 is planned to be implemented in January, phase 2 next fall.
Here’s Phase 1:
1. Savings from vacant positions
vacant PASA and CUPE 15 positions (july – October) savings $228,000
additional savings if new PASA positions remain vacant for the remainder of the year. (Supervisor-LIT; Systems Audit Coordinator savings $97,650
2. Eliminate 1.0 FTE elementary school Vice-Principal effective Jan 1, 2007
Champlain Heights is targeted to lose a vp, as they have under 400 students this year savings $47,500
3. Eliminate 1.0 FTE secondary school Vice-Principal effective Jan 1, 2007
Britannia and Tupper will share a vice-principal savings $35,000
4. Reduced Learning Enquiry activity for 2006/2007
A reduction of $200,000 means that no new sites would be added for this year, and next. The funds remaining would allow for the sites from last year to be supported in their implementation phase, and allow for an Aboriginal Learners’ Inquiry to be undertaken. savings $200,000
5. Transfer of remaining GVDES Special Purpose Fund balance from 2005/06 to operating fund
Beginning in 2006/07, the MOE will be funding Distributed Learning students through the operating grant. Balances remaining in the GVDES fund on June 30,06 to be transferred to the operating fund.savings $540,000
6. Transfer from Local Capital Reserve
One time funds would be transferred from the Capital Reserve to the operating fund.savings $523,850
total savings for phase 1 is $1,672,000
VSB Document on cutting plan, November 9, 2006: Download file
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