Vancouver Enrolment Meets or Exceeds Projections

Sent: Thursday, October 02, 2008 11:11 AM
Subject: Student Enrollment

I am writing to advise that, since receiving up-to-date student enrollment figures from all schools and programs as of Tuesday, Sept. 23rd, and Friday, Set. 26th, it has been determined that our enrollment has either met or positively exceeded our projections in the wide majority of enrollment categories. This is good news for our district as our funding and operating budget – ie. our financial stability – depend directly upon the accuracy and fulfillment of our projections.

At this time, I would like to thank all school administrators, support and teaching staff, and all district personnel who were responsible for ensuring our enrollment was fully accounted for.

A detailed report on enrollment is being prepared and will be presented to Committee V in the near future.

Thank you.


Chris Kelly
Superintendent of Schools
Vancouver School Board (District No. 39)

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