I’ve authored this blog for about five years now. When I started it it was to be part of a new electronic journal (that project is still ongoing and very successful). But events intervened and the blog became a center of support for public education and the teachers who went out on strike in 2005. After the end of the strike the die was cast and the blog became a key space for commentary in support of public education. The site logged over 3,000 visits a year for most of that period of time. But, things change and with my sons now finished with the K-12 education system (they’re in 2nd year university now) I have found my interests changing over the past year. For those who were regular readers of the site you will have seen the evident drop off in posting and the shift of topics (more toward post-secondary).
I still maintain a suite of blogs (on ecological anthropology, our ethnographic film unit, and as part of my introductory anthropology course). However, I think the time to say good bye on this blog has come. There are still major problems and issues in public education. The provincial liberal government in BC is no less antagonistic toward education and democratic involvement (consider their treatment of Vancouver’s school board of late). We are still waiting here in the UBC area for proper schools -that was a 5+ year struggle that still seems to have no end in sight! But, it’s time for other people to step forward.
So, as the new school year opens I say good bye to posting on this blog as I turn toward my research and other projects. The start of a new school year is an exciting time. Have fun, work hard, and keep our public education strong!
I’ll miss your blog Charles – it has played an important role in the public education dialogue over several years. I still miss the SOS listserve too!
Best wishes and thank you for everything. I’m sure our paths will cross again soon – probably in the Safeway line up!
Thanks for everything Charles. I really appreciate your efforts with this blog and am pleased that New Proposals has done so well. Look forward to continuing our work together in the future.
many thanks for keeping this blog up as long as you did, Charles; I enjoyed getting all those updates from home!
Interesting blog, I find it a good read.