UBC/VSB/BC Discussions Ongoing -announcement of plans deferred again.

This message just in -Development plans deferred another week.

vsb.gifTonight’s VSB Meeting Postponed

Please be advised that the Committee II/III meeting scheduled for this evening (June 4) to deal with the Educational Facilities Review – UBC to Dunbar proposals has been postponed to:

Wednesday, June 11, 2008
7:00 pm, Board Room, Vancouver School Board
1580 West Broadway

The postponement is due to the fact that discussions with principal parties are still under way relating to matters of finance and other developments pertinent to the proposals in question. Further time is required to bring these discussions to a conclusion.

The Committee of the Whole (Delegation) meetings scheduled for June 10 and June 11 have been cancelled.

We regret any inconvenience this postponement and these cancellations may cause, but it is felt to be in the best interests of all with a stake in the proposals to provide this additional time.

Urgent Message from Rebuild U Hill Blog

Rebuild U Hill: An Urgent Message!!! June 10th and 11th Public Meeting

An Urgent Message from the University Hill Secondary and Elementary PAC Executives, the University Neighbourhoods Association Schools Action Committee,

Dear Fellow Parents, Guardians and UBC/UEL Residents,

The Vancouver School Board (“VSB”) has heard from many parents about the shockingly inadequate school facilities in the UBC area. We thank you for your support to date.

But, please, we need to keep up the pressure. We ask that you e-mail the VSB school trustees and key representatives from the provincial government and let them know that action is needed NOW to resolve the growing crisis. Let them know that students, parents, guardians, and area residents have waited too many years for school facilities equal to others across the district. Public schools are paid for through our taxes and our children have the same rights to publicly funded schools as other Vancouver children do.

Go to rebuilduhill.blogspot.com to see what you can do!
Send a message in support of rebuilding the schools -click here for email form.

VSB School Development Plan to be Released June 4th

A special school board working group will publicly release it’s final recommendations for the Dunbar/UBC area of the district Wednesday, June 4th. There are few indications of what the report might actually entail. A swirl of rumours have suggested everything from a UBC/St. Georges/Province joint venture/land swap to nothing at all. The clearest indication comes from a meeting with school representative committees early in May where a draft development plan was presented. The plan contained very little real detail with the notable exception of a single page of ‘plans’ that included transforming U Hill into a science/math/technology high school in the former NRC Building on campus and closing the annex facility of Queen Elizabeth School. No details were provided at that meeting.

Ken Denike, chair of the VSB special working group and his collegue U HIl Liason trustee, Carol Gibson, attend a special joint U Hill Secondary and Elementary Parent Advisory Committee meeting May 28. At the meeting trustte Gibson reitereated her support of U HIll’s strong need for new facilities. Dr. Denike was somewhat more circumspect in his comments and was not able to offer much one way or the other.

Also in attendance was former MP and current VP-External for UBC, Stephen Owen. Mr. Owen made it clear that UBC continues to offer a very significant package to the school board and the province and remains strongly supportive of rebuilding schools in the community. A staff person from MLA and Premier Campbell’s constituency office was present, but had nothing to say. Many parents at the meeting expressed a hope that Mr. Campbell might take note of the condition of his alma matter.

Previous Comments

NPA Announce partial list of candidates


Non-Partisan Association – NPA elected officials serve Vancouver’s neighbourhoods on City Council, School Board and Park Board

Vancouver NPA Announces First 2008 Candidates for Nomination

The Vancouver NPA is proud to announce its first set of candidates for nomination for City Council, School Board and Park Board. A total of 18 candidates have put their names forward for 14 open positions for Mayor, City Councillor, School Board Trustee and Park Board Commissioner.

The NPA membership will be asked to choose a Mayoral candidate, five City Council candidates, four School Board candidates, and four Park Board candidates. There will be a second nomination contest in September for the remaining openings on the NPA team.

“I’m extremely impressed with the calibre of candidates that have come forward as nominees,” comments NPA President Matthew Taylor.

Ken Denike, Carol Gibson, and Clarence Hansen seek reelection. Sophia Woo is the only ‘new’ name on the list.

Will U Hill Schools Be Rebuilt?

On the eve of a combined U Hill Secondary/Elementary PAC meeting many parents living west of Blanca in Vancouver are wondering -will our schools be rebuilt to meet the learning needs of our children?

The EFR process has been public since early January 2008. As parents we have been waiting for over four years to get an answer we can “take to the bank.” The process has been filled with delays. From administrative to political interruptions, the real need for schools in this area has been sidelined time and time again.

June 4th at 7 pm the senior management of the Vancouver Board of Education will present their ‘final’ draft to the school trustees. People are hopeful that there is a plan in the works that will lay out a course to rebuild the schools out on the edge of Point Grey. But no one is holding their breath.

The is a worrisome feeling that the status quo will win out and nothing will happen. The same expressions of sympathy will be shared, but real action will not follow. The status quo is, however costly and it has to change.The status quo situation is being paid for through all of our collective labour and volunteer time as parents who work as staff or faculty and live on campus. We have allowed our children to pay the costs of keeping enclave facilities alive. Over 200 of our children are put on buses each morning to go out to Queen Mary and Queen Elizabeth Elementary Schools, and others go farther afield to Southlands, Carnarvon and Henry Hudson so that annex facilities can survive. Our older children go to a high school that is decrepit and overcrowded. They eat their lunches on the floor, they do their labs in shifts, frequently miss gym, and they take classes in spaces that should be torn down and even so, they do amazingly well in their academic studies. These academic results have allowed politicians and administrators to avoid the real problems.

We all hope that on June 4th and on June 19th, when the trustees vote, our children will finally hear that their needs are being addressed.

Former BCCPAC President in Court

Ex-government appointee charged with fraud

Janet Steffenhagen, Vancouver Sun
Published: Friday, May 23, 2008

A former prominent leader in the B.C. education community has been charged with one criminal count of fraud in connection with her work as a certified management consultant.

Reggi Balabanov, who was president of the B.C. Confederation of Parent Advisory Councils from 2000 until 2003 and was later appointed by the Liberal government to the regulatory body responsible for policing teacher conduct, was charged last summer but the charge was never made public.