News & Updates

WP Touch Version 1.9.40

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WP Touch upgraded Version 1.9.40 Removed: AppStores support – please visit the AppStores website for the Javascript code to use if you’d like to continue using it Changed: Updated fitvids() video script   WP Touch changlog history:

UBC Blogs Update to 3.3

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On December 22nd, 2011, UBC Blogs will be updated to run on the latest release of WordPress. No down time is expected. The new WordPress 3.3 update improves the experience for both users and developers. For current UBC Blogs users, the most noticeable difference will be a new top administration bar. This video provides an […]

New Plugin: Feed Key Generator

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The “Feed Key Generator” plugin is now released for all UBC Blogs users. The plugin enables access to your private blogs’ feeds through a 40 character key which you can give out to anyone that you wish to enable access for. Furthermore, you can always reset the key if you feel the current key might […]

Open Attribute plugin now available.

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The Open Attribute plugin has now been added to UBC Blogs.  The plugin allows a user to add licensing and attribution information into a blog post / or entire site.  Advanced options such as the ability to opt out posts from licensing,  add multiple licenses and tweak the look of the license output. Top enable […]

New Theme: Manifest

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The Manifest theme is all about the content. No widgets and sidebars just 500px of single column content space nice and clean. The wordy types will appreciate very “McSweeny’ish” .

New Theme: Oulipo

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If you like clean minimal styling this theme for you. Oulipo puts the focus on your content with a grid-based design and elegant typography, it makes a perfect theme for e-portfolio, journal or photo blog. Features: Three Columns Threaded Comments Right Sidebar Fixed Width Custom Background Custom Header Custom Menu Theme Options Sticky Post

Remote Publishing is now working.

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A long standing bug has been fixed that was preventing users from using the xml-rpc remote publishing features on UBC Blogs. For those unaware of the feature you can use this to post / edit content using native iPhone/iPad, Android or BlackBerry apps. To get this going on your blog follow these three steps: 1) […]

New Plugin: FD Feedburner

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We’ve added a new plugin: FD Feedburner Plugin Redirects the main feed and optionally the comments feed seamlessly and transparently to If you are already using, it’s very easy to add an email subscription box to your blog.  Check out my blog post.