I used to think the day ended at midnight.

Then I came to university and lights out isn’t until 1:00 a.m. on the weekend and that’s just when you have to be quiet.

Ergo, here I am writing a blog entry. Fun fact: I love just shoving that word into sentences. Air-go!

This past few days has been so go go go. I can’t believe I’m still kind of functioning. Today I slept in for the first time. Ever since I got here my biological clock decided to program itself to automatically wake up every morning at 7. It’s like my 6th sense gift apparently. Yeah, take that Haley Joel Osment! I don’t even need an alarm anymore. I didn’t really think I was that much of a “morning person”. Like who wants to be known as a morning person at university? Pfffffft isn’t everyone trying to be like LMFAO and drink all day, play all night. Be all Jersey Shore and go to Miami, brick?

Well, ugh no. That would be FALSE. (Dwight Schrute Style). But despite that I am somehow a morning person and if there’s one thing I’ve learnt it’s that simple tasks like getting ready in the morning take twice as long when you are trying to be meticulously quiet and not wake up your roommate and/or turn on the lights.

You see I had to wake up at 4:00 a.m. yesterday to attend the best event ever. Yeah that would be WE DAY VANCOUVER 2010. Ah-may-zing with some extra Italian dressing zing. Justifiably got all decked out in neon fluorescent green shorts, bright pink socks and leg warmers and a hot pink body suit aka. looking absolutely fab and ridiculous to be a crowd pumper. What’s a crowd pumper? Pah-leeze. Only the best volunteer position ever of running around screaming your head off trying to get everyone else crazy super excited. Excited about what? (As I continue this whole question and answer blog theme) Social change y’all!

We Day was so inspirational I can’t even get over it. I lost my voice cheering and screaming and giving 150% enthusiasm into everything. But enough about me. I wish I could share my We Day experience with you all. The word I keep telling people who asked me how it went is “awesome” but that’s not even skimming the surface. That is one tiny spec of phytoplankton to describe this ocean of …. (for lack of a better word) AWESOMENESS that is We Day.

I was in this stadium of 18,000 students all excited to make positive change in the world. I look up into the stands and am just captivated.

Everybody tune in on October 30th to rewatch We Day Vancouver on CTV, plus episodes of Shameless Idealists will be airing some time next week (I believe…)
also very very very very very very x 7391982385671128428316 check out worthy because it’s upclose candid interviews with Al Gore, Martin Sheen and Rev. Jesse Jackson. I still can’t believe I was actually there as part of the on-stage audience. Incredible.

Hey, also go “like” We Day on Facebook and $1 will be donated to Free the Children.

I should go to bed now. I do not want to think of the essay – sorry let me rephrase that – the paper I have to write tomorrow. (Does anyone else not understand the lingo switch? It’s not college. It’s university. It’s no longer an essay, it’s now a paper.)

Mid-terms are over for me, so I feel lucky. Heck, I feel lucky to be here. Living in this country. Studying at school. Healthy to be alive. Bonus! I found out my last day of finals in December is super early! Hollla!

Ah, life is beautiful guys. I hope you feel the same way. If you don’t, let’s do something so that you do feel that way. So bon nuit or should I say bonjour?