Saturday = ?

Let me paint you a picture. It’s Saturday morning. You just woke up, what are you going to do?

Wow. I’m a terrible artist. Let’s try again. The sun is kind of ish coming through your window (except it’s November in Vancouver so that is basically overcast rainclouds shining into your dorm room). You had a pleasant dream of [insert fond childhood nostalgia/ boy/girl crush / misc. memories of food / whatever floats your boat]. You feel completely rested, your entire body is at ease. You swing your legs out from under the cover and you have a moment to sit there. You realize that it’s Saturday morning. And you got up on the right (not wrong) side of the bed.

Where will the day lead you? Well, I think there’s something special about a completely free Saturday. Sure, I got a crapload of reading to ‘ketchup’ on. Groceries to do. Laundry to… iron. Yeah that’s right. I live in rez and I iron my clothes. One of the hundreds of reasons why I look better than you.

I’m totally kidding. I’m sure you look fab. I think I look pretty fab. Except right now – because I’m still in my jammies writing this. Mmm winnie the pooh.

I might go and get a waffle for breakfast. Or an omelete. Point of this post?


No matter what you do. Just do something. Carpe diem it up. This is my get-pumped-Saturday song. I love it Matt and Kim, everyone. YouTube Preview Image

I particularly like the lyric about glasses. “I hope that someday I’ll see without these frames” just because glasses status: still broken. In need of repair.

Today, let’s play otters instead of hermits.