They should really not let me in Sephora.

Because I tend to be the person who does ridiculous stuff like this: Example A.

Yup, that’s right. I’m the girl who paints her whole hand funky colours using the tester bottles. What’s worse is the fact that this isn’t even the first time I’ve done this. Nope. Fully knowing that I was going to Pacific Centre, I actually shaped my nails on purpose with the intention of having a little fun in one of the most awesomest make-up shops. The best part are the nail colours. Introducing: Cover Me in Petals, Social Climber with Flurry Up Top Coat, Charge It, Fancy Schmancy, Dating the Drummer. Now those names are pretty awesome, but I thought I’d make up my own. Starting from the left: The Pink that No Matter How Poorly You Paint Me on It still looks Professional, Lady Gaga in a Bottle, Take that Midas My Nails are Gold, (skip that finger and on to my personal favourite), Ke$ha Vomit.

There’s just something about malls at this time of the year. The decorations, the bells jingling, the holiday music in stores. And there’s like ribbon – everywhere. Not to mention free gift wrapping at many locations. Hello!

Some people can’t stand the bustle of shoppers, but if you’re not distracted by the holly and ivy everywhere maybe you’re into people watching like me. I like to look at the bags people are holding as they stroll through the mall, the people they are with. Just making observations. Maybe it’s the ethnographer in me, observing others.

One thing I noticed and was wondering about is why is Sephora so packed with women? Is our materialism heightened this time of year? Or do we feel so inadequate and pressured to impress that we must cover our faces with artificial products? And it’s not just make-up. Lately, I’ve been hearing so many girls on my floor go on about how they’re gaining weight. Now some people seem totally unaffected. But I also overheard a conversation in the caf about these girls fasting and dieting and trying to detox their body but they sounded completely self-absorbed and obsessed with their weight and their figure.

Girls, we need to feel beautiful just the way we are. In fact, I’ve been blasting (the glee version) of Bruno Mars’ song Just The Way You Are

Let’s just try to keep active in whatever way possible. If you just make a conscious effort, little by little, you’ll feel so much better. In the words of Elle Woods, from Legally Blonde “Exercise releases endorphins, endorphins makes you happy and happy people just don’t kill their husbands”.

One way to be active and have fun AND (bonus!) be social is to go skating at Thunderbird Arena! There’s quite a few public skate times during the week and renting skates is only $3.50. It’s definitely not too packed on a Friday night so if you don’t feel like partying it up you should come check it out. I went last night and had a total blast with the girls on my floor.

Closing note: You’re beautiful. Guys, you’re amazing just the way you are too.

Keep it awesome, mes cheries.