Awkward giraffes, happy llamas, cotton camels.

Cotton camel toe socks aka. Tabi. Introduced to me honestly about 5 minutes ago. And one moment in my life that I said “This is going in my blog”.

My deLuxembourger friend on my floor has one greatest pet peeve about me. I like to wear socks and flip flops. And if I didn’t just lose all my dignity admitting that, I will have you know that you will only EVER catch me in this ghetup if you ever see me on my actual floor. I will never go outside this hallway in socks and flip flops. Even I have my limits, but for bumming around wth the girls, why yes I do believe I should be comfy and in style. What style? This is my own brand.

False. There’s actally about guestimate 6 girls on the floor who also rock this trend. It’s coming back I tell ya.

Tabi. Perhaps not new to you, but new to me, are traditional Japanese footwear (socks) with a separation between the big toe and the rest of the toes. These are like 10x better than toe socks. Because let’s get real – why would every single toe need to be separate? Am I the only person who thinks this is an amazing invention and that my life (or at least sock wearing days) has been utterly pointless up until now. Obviously exaggerated but still. I can actually live now with sock freedom. Man, I sound desperate. Seriously, Ned? Socks are turning you on right now? No wonder I am here in my dorm room at home on a Saturday night. Oh, geeze.

Immediately I have been searching this site:

As if my flip flop sock dreams have been answered. Honestly, it’s crazy how there is a market for this. And it dates back to the Japanese! Of course they would, what do the Japanese not have…

At the same time, are these not the most awkward item of clothing in the world. As if there was not enough erm /grossness in the term “camel toe” alone. Ugh cue mild shudder.

On the other note of weird animals. The “awkward” giraffe is my new favourite “awkward-moment-gesture”. You know when there’s an awkward silence? Some people do the awkward turtle. I am trying to find a picture but there is none that is working.

Instructions for awkward giraffe: 1. With your right hand press your middle finger and ring finger to your thumb.
2. Lift your index and pinky finger. 3. Using your left hand motion the Yellow Pages logo, like a man walking with your fingers. 4. Put your left hand at your right elbow. I hope you can see the giraffe.

As for the happy llama. Well there’s this great little jingle about a “happy llama, sad llama, super llama, drama llama, big fat mama llama. Camel”
I’ll show you some other time if you ever bump into me.

Just thought I’d share. Goodbye the rest of my night. Hello eBay.