Do you hear what I hear?

It’s the sound of fingers typing away on laptops during your lecture.

I find it extremely amusing listening to the buzz buzz of nails of keys. There’s three levels of clickerclacker typing.

Level 1: The typical pitter patter of typing, probably that girl in the front of class who just types anything your prof says. If this person is within a 2 person radius of you, you can probably distinguish between backspaces as well, depending on how quiet it is in the room. (Or how many people are asleep).

Level 2: When the lecture becomes a little more interesting and more people start taking notes.

Level 3: Most likely heard after your prof has mentioned a key term or definition that will definitely be on your exam. And he’s talking really really fast. You just need to type faster and get it all down.

The reason why I’ve noticed this is because today I brought my honking laptop (that everybody thinks is crappy but it could totally eat your shiny silver twig snapping think computer (no brandnames mentiond)) and decided to take notes because later I had an essay to write (still not done btw). But later on in my second lecture du jour I reverted to my archaic pen and paper note-taking ways and noticed all the click click space bar click clik backspace backspace backspace click of fingers on keyboards and the sound just amused me. Just one of those little things in life that I seem to stop and think about. Buzz buzz away little bees, buzz away.

Also, it occurred to me (since this is a Christmas song titled post) that Christmas is on it’s way. Thanks for stating the obvious, Ned. But I’ll be leaving long before them and I won’t get to see the wonderful people at Totem Park. So how about we spread a little Christmas cheer early? Anyone down for a little Christmas in November?
I saw egg nog in the grocery store already and Magda’s has candy canes. Don’t tell me it’s that far off. I already plan on doing most of my shopping at the UBC Bookstore. Mom and Dad you know what you’re getting.

1 thought on “Do you hear what I hear?

  1. I noticed that too! But when I looked at the person’s laptop next to me, it turns out she was on MSN.

    Pretty bloody fast for instant messenger.

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