Netflix Considering Producing Their Own Movies

This article caught my eye because of the debate we had in class regarding what Netflix’s next move should be. I was on the side of streaming more popular movies, the direct opposite of what Cliff Edwards and Jonathan Erlichman’s Vancouver Sun article suggests.

Netflix realizes they have a multitude of growing competitors, including Amazon and Hulu LLC. Edwards and Erlichman claim “the company is racing to get and keep customers ahead of competitors” (Edwards et al.), and that providing a mix between their own material as well as already popular movies and t.v. shows will give them a competitive advantage to fight their competitors.

My two main concerns for this idea during our in-class debate were firstly costs, and secondly a concern for lack of demand. In my opinion, Netflix customers don’t really want to see Netflix’s own material, they want to see the popular new movies and t.v. shows that Hollywood has already heavily advertised, and that all their friends are discussing.

The C.E.O. of Netflix, Reed Hastings, shares my cost concern and is not happy that “analysts have suggested the company may raise its $7.99-a-month subscriber price” (Edwards et al.). However, the article suggests that there is a high demand for original Netflix content.

I am excited to follow this story in the news and to see which path Netflix ends up choosing… and to see which group in our Comm class was right! Check out the article here, and follow the story too!

Netflix is considering producing their own movies and t.v. shows.

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