Who’s the “First” Nation?

It’s an understatement to say that the government has a tough job. With a diverse range of shareholders who make their wants and needs known, the government must consider and encapsulate every law, treaty, or opinion; as they are constantly scrutinized for the decisions they make.


Some of these decisions, can come into conflict with certain groups – particularly that of the First Nations bands. Take BC Hydro’s Site C hydroelectric megaproject which totals to about $8-billion. Using the PEST(Political, social, economical, and technological) Analysis tool, I can see that this project directly affects the lifestyle and education of First Nation’s groups, knowing that respecting and valuing the environment is integral to their culture. This belief is supported, as Liz Logan, of the the Fort Nelson First Nation says, “It’s our church, it’s our store, it’s our school. We have elders’ gatherings there annually.”(Vancouver Sun) To add, in a recent editorial, it states that the “conditions need to be improved for revenue generating resource development and business enterprises.”(Vancouver Sun). What conditions you may ask? “… litigious aboriginal groups, an absence of treaties with First Nations, activist environmentalists, … — all contribute to a landscape in B.C. that is particularly challenging for business.” (Vancouver Sun)

As a province whose revenue comes primarily from its natural resources, business is inhibited by the clashing perspectives of shareholders. The government must discern which shareholders’ needs are  “first” strategically, despite the economic and social clash.






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