Intro to CSSS Elections 2010

by ivy on March 20, 2010

in CSSS Elections 2010

The Computer Science Student Society (CSSS, a.k.a. the Cube) elections are upon us! As prior years have shown, a good exec team is absolutely essential to ensuring things go smoothly and that the students get the most bang out of their buck. Among the things that are around thanks to the hard work of previous and current execs and their teams:

  • the Tech Career Fair
  • the annual boat cruise
  • student entertainment (video/board/card games, events, exec antics)
  • a Subversion server
  • lockers
  • most importantly: cheap food in the Cube office!

If you want to keep these things around, you should vote.

Voting Run-down

Who: There are 8 positions up for election—more on these later

When: This Thursday and Friday (the 25th and 26th)

Where: The lobby of Dempster

How: The Cube uses approval voting: you’re allowed to vote for more than one candidate, but unlike the AMS elections, your votes are non-preferential. So if you vote for Candidate A and Candidate B, then Candidate A gets one vote and Candidate B gets one vote too! (Election and/or game theory junkies may be interested in the Wikipedia article.)

The other big difference between the Cube elections and the AMS elections: slating is allowed—candidates are allowed to endorse each other and form ad hoc political parties.

There will also be a Candidate Debate some time this week, hosted by elections officer Iggy Rodriguez.

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