The A* Party

by ivy on March 22, 2010

in CSSS Elections 2010

Online: Facebook

I’ll start with the big one, since I’ll just end up linking to this platform for all my other write-ups. (Not trying to discriminate against other candidates; there are more profiles to come!)


President: Jré Sarenac
VP External: Jeremiah Tantongco
VP Internal: Richard Lo
VP Communications: Bertrand Ong
VP Volunteer: André Malan
VP Social: Karen S. Lee
Treasurer: Melissa Smith


Why you should vote for The A* Party:

1. Strong Cohesion. We all work very well together and have extremely strong communication. We can ensure that your CSSS Executive next year are efficient, dedicated and can function as a well-oiled machine to give you a great year.

2. Clear Vision. The A* Party has a very clear view on what is awesome and what needs to be improved in the CSSS. Our team contains both returning executives and newly active members. Due to this, we can combine views in a way that benefits CSSS members the most.

3. Extensive Experience. Each member of The A* Party has either past CSSS Executive experience, or vast amounts of personal and professional experience in the duties and responsibilities of their candidate positions. The A* Party can guarantee that we will perform to the best of our ability and give you an awesome year.


I have to say I love the punny name. More seriously, an actual political party is atypical of CSSS elections, and puts other candidates at a disadvantage. But this party isn’t lying when they say they have a lot of experience, and I don’t doubt they would be a great exec team.

{ 2 comments… read them below or add one }

1 Andre Malan 03.23.10 at 8:10 pm

Thanks for the write up. I think it’s awesome how you get the accent on both Jre and my E’s!

2 Ivy 03.24.10 at 1:50 am

The benefits of an accent-capable keyboard :p

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