Profile: VP External

by ivy on March 23, 2010

in CSSS Elections 2010

The VP External is responsible for communicating with companies and organizing the Tech Career Fair—a hefty task. The VPX must be professional and aggressive in convincing companies to come to the Career Fair, and be willing to take calls from companies at any hour in the weeks leading up to the big event. It’s not an easy task when many companies aren’t looking to hire. Not only is the Career Fair important for students looking for a job, but funds raised through the Career Fair go directly to CSSS-funded events like the annual boat cruise. No Career Fair—no boat cruise.


  • Mubashshir Zakir
  • Jeremiah Tantongco (A* Party)

Mubashshir Zakir

Mubashshir Zakir (2010)Online: Facebook


Nader Beyzaei (VP External ’09–’10)
Bertrand Ong (VP Communications ’10)


My name is Mubashshir Zakir and I am running to be YOUR VP External for 2010/2011. For the many computer science students that already know me, know that I am practically designed for this position. I am passionate about organizing activities that will provide exciting opportunities for you!

A big part of my job will be to organize the annual career fair. I plan on making it very beneficial for students by getting the companies we actually want. How will this happen? I will ensure that I have a constant dialogue with students asking them which companies they want. As the liaison to external entities, the university and the department, I plan on letting students be aware of all that’s out there. Another top priority for me will be the VP Externals responsibility for acquiring materials from various companies to be used as prizes and handouts to you the members.

Aside from having a career fair that we shall never forget, I plan on doing all that’s in my power to get as many companies as we can to come talk to members. We all would love to know whats going on in this world we will be entering soon, I will make sure to have as many great talks as possible.

In order for me to accomplish all of these great things, YOU need to do one little thing. During this election season vote for passion, vote for change, vote for us—vote Mubashshir Zakir.


Ivy: He’s one of the numerous Social Coordinators this year and has helped organize a few social events. As for his platform, I like the idea of asking students what they’re interested in. I feel that the CS career advisor is doing a good job of informing students what’s out there, so I would like to know how Mubashshir would improve on that.

Jeremiah Tantongco (A* Party)

Jeremiah Tantongco (2010)Online: Facebook


See A* Party.


Hi there,

My name is Jeremiah Tantongco and I want to be your student voice as the CSSS VP External with the A*party.

I’ve always been interested in the CSSS and many of the wonderful experiences I’ve had at UBC somehow tie back to the Cube. Starting out, I was an active volunteer, then a social coordinator. I went to the Career Fair in first year and I was really overwhelmed by the challenges of networking with the industry properly. I became the VP External in 2008 and finally got the in-depth look I wanted.

I believe that students need a clear and early connection to the industry to become the best professional that they can be. I think you should re-elect me as your Vice President External as the last Career Fair I planned was run successfully. I hope to work very closely together with UBC Computer Science, Industry and other students to make the next Career Fair a diverse, informative, open and inviting experience.

I also look forward to finding ways for budding IT professionals to put your foot in the door by collaborating with other like minded student societies such as MIS, COGS, IEEE and EngPhys.

I love talking ideas with people so if you have a great idea about an event, drop me a line and we can discuss it over coffee (my treat!). If you want me to champion your cause, vote Jeremiah as your VP External!


Ivy: Jeremiah was the VP External ’08–’09: this is a position he knows how to do and has done before. However, his platform doesn’t seem to bring anything new to the table.

Wendy: Although this write-up makes it clear that Jeremiah wishes to work with students and fellow undergraduate societies in achieving his goals, it does not put forth any concrete ideas or proposals. I feel that ideas (more specifically, plans and proposals) are some of the most crucial things a candidate must bring to an elected position; as such, while there is nothing to hold against Jeremiah in his platform, there is also not much to make a strong case for him.

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