The Debates: Transcript & Commentary

by ivy on March 24, 2010

in CSSS Elections 2010

Debates today went fairly smoothly (they had to move outside due to noise issues). One problem with these debates was that candidates often recycled their opponents’ answers. Understandable, as the good answers are all similar, but it would have been nice to see more originality.

VP Social


Karen (A* Party): 4th year CS student. A supply manager this past year. Incoming AMS rep for the SUS. Diverse experience.

Luke: 2nd year CS student. Social coordinator this past year. Says he can make things awesome.

Luke: “Knows what works, what doesn’t.” Emphasized having been to every event.

Karen: Personal and professional experience organizing events. Wants more diverse events (as a change from this year). Wants more efficiency and more involvement.

Ivy (Ninety Cubed): If you could organize one new event that the Cube hasn’t done before, what would it be and why?

Karen: Pub nights—everyone likes to drink; targets more diverse group of people.

Wendy: Gah! No. “Everyone” is an exaggeration. But at least pub nights are an idea we haven’t seen implemented yet.

Luke: Paintball—it’s a sport, exciting, lots of action.

Wendy: This is problematic for similar reasons to the above; however, paintball may hold even less universal appeal than pub nights. Still, I’m glad to see them taking different positions and putting forth concrete proposals.

Eason: It’s really easy to say things, but hard to do things. What do you want to do to improve Social Committee?

Luke: More enthusiastic people, more efficient.

Ivy: This doesn’t seem very concrete.

Karen: Wants to get really enthusiastic people. Will reorganize the Social Committee to have Social Coordinators who are very dedicated, and a larger group of volunteers who will help organize events.

Wendy: If I’m understanding this correctly, there would be fewer Social Coordinators, but still a large number of officers? Or would those volunteers not necessarily be officers? I’m curious to see her plans for reorganisation.

Bertrand (A* Party): Social events have the most impact on the budget this year. Our budget next year will be smaller; how will you deal with this?

Karen: Look for deals. Depends on the budget (which we don’t know yet).

Luke: Subsidize events a little less.

Melissa (A* Party): Luke, you say there will be no cap on the size of the Social Committee, yet you want it more efficient and better. How will you do both these things?

Luke: Would quality control.

Karen: Would interview candidates. If volunteers show dedication, promote them to Social Coordinators.

Karen to Luke: What events have you organized, and what do you want to organize?

Luke: Has organized LAN parties, Windows 7 launch party, Halloween party.

[Karen interjects to ask if Luke organized the Halloween party or helped organize it. Luke replies he helped organize it but was very involved.]

Luke to Karen: How are you going to interview potential Social Coordinators? How will you have the time?

Karen: Will pick most dedicated people. Will be part-time student; will have time to do this. If lots of dedicated people pick 5–10 at most, depending how people work together.

Closing remarks

Luke: Knows what works, what doesn’t, went to every event and meeting.

Ivy: Social Committee meeting minutes show that Luke has not shown up to at least one meeting in January, so his claim that he has been to every meeting is false.

Karen: Bring back diverse events. Has organized events for the past 10 years.

VP Communications

Bertrand (A* Party): Current VP Communications; took over from elected VP Communications. When he took over, last-minute transition was a tough learning curve, but he knows how to do it now and will be a smooth transition next year. Wants to utilize more social media, as well as posters that work.


Eds’ note: the current Secretary refers to the position as VP Admin. The candidates often referred to the position as VP Admin as well. For the record, the proper title is “Secretary”.


Eva: Combined Commerce and CS major. Has previous experience with Cube.

Christina: Honours CS and Statistics. Hoping to get involved with Cube.

Christina: Has experience taking minutes and organizing events for other organizations.

Eva: Was student council president, part of the Cube Volunteering Committee. Has leadership and team-building skills.

Bertrand (A* Party): The secretary position requires a lot of knowledge of the internal workings of the Cube. What do you know?

Eva: Currently part of volunteering committee. Hopes to be more involved.

Christina: Has not been part of the Cube but knows about a lot of Cube events. Wants to be more involved, and will work very hard to learn.

Benjamin: What does the secretary do?

Christina: Has talked to Sonia (current Secretary) about the position. Says incoming secretary will take meeting minutes and organize meetings, communicate with students, and continue working on the exam database.

Eva: Says Christina covered most of the duties. [She then reiterated Christina’s points.]

Iggy (Returning Officer): What will you do to ensure meeting documents are accessible to all?

Eva: Currently the meeting minutes on website aren’t up to date—wants to change this.

Christina: Very organized person. Will post meeting notes when she’s done writing them. Also constant email checker.

Karen (A* Party): Next year, how many courses will you have, how many other extracurricular activities will you have, and how much time will you have to be Secretary?

Christina: 10 courses (full load). Peer program and volunteering at hospital. Cube would be “job at school”.

Eva: 5+4 courses. Very dedicated, most of time to Cube.

[Here the debate moved outside due to noise.]

Closing remarks

Eva: Vote for her because of past experience, effective leadership, dedication, etc. Wants Cube to be fun.

Wendy: I’m still not sure that leadership is relevant for the Secretary position.

Christina: VP Admin fills in the gaps. Has previous experience with all parts of organizational structure. Very committed. Would make sure she has time for Cube. “C2 for CS3.”

VP External


Mubashshir: 3rd year CS. “Ask me anything and I will wow you.”

Jeremiah (A* Party): 4th year CS. Has done this position before.

Jeremiah: Knows what this position entails. Will increase student interaction with industry.

Mubashshir: Cube has done a good job; wants to do it better. Lots of experience with events and networking outside the Cube.

Iggy (Returning Officer): Why will you be a successful VP External?

Mubashshir: This year he coordinated a high school CS program; had to contact elementary school principals. He can negotiate; successfully presented a case in Model UN.

Jeremiah: Will try to find more companies.

Mubashshir: Will learn from others including Jeremiah; will add to the table.

Daniel: How will you get more companies to come with the Cube’s monetary restrictions?

Ivy: This is a misinformed question. The Career Fair generates a significant amount of money for the Cube; it does not lose money. Interestingly neither of the candidates pointed this out.

Jeremiah: Want to advertise to more students—more students means more companies want to come.

Mubashshir: Will talk to students—do they know about the Career Fair? If so, why will/won’t they go?

Daniel: What new companies would you want to come to the Career Fair?

Mubashshir: More local companies.

Jeremiah: More big names so more students will come.

Bertrand (A* Party): The Career Fair has been inter-faculty in past years. How will you make sure the other clubs organizing this pull their share of the weight?

Jeremiah: Knows why there is less participation from other clubs and will try hard to get more participation from them.

Mubashshir: Says he’s very persuasive and passionate.

Jeremiah to Mubashshir: The VP External also promotes other events; how will you do that?

Mubashshir: Wants to talk to students. Add more events in; coordinate with other execs and committees.

Mubashshir to Jeremiah: What would you do different from your previous term?

Jeremiah: Will appeal to Commerce CS students but also important to maintain status quo.

Closing remarks

Jeremiah: Will work very hard.

Mubashshir: Jeremiah is a great guy and Mubashshir wants to work with him regardless of who wins. Mubashshir says he will go the extra mile.

VP Volunteering

[Jordan did not appear for the debate.]


Nan: VP Volunteering organizes things like RainCity (currently in undergrad lounge). Experience working with current VPV Alden.

André (A* Party): Comes from Ghana/South Africa. 5th year student. Involved around campus.

André: Has organized volunteers for department and committees, tutoring, developmental projects—“I am almost over-qualified.” Knows a lot about the department, has a lot of passion for education and tutoring and developmental issues such as microfinance.

Nan: Very experienced. Works with current committee and thinks it’s very fun (“baking 200 cookies!” last week). Variety of volunteering experience with Mental Health Association and inner city schools.

Piam: What’s something you’re passionate about that’s not Computer Science?

Nan: Education and social issues, especially encouraging high school students in leadership positions outside of school.

André: Education, both improving rich person education and making education accessible to all.

Karen (A* Party): The volunteering committee is currently disconnected with the rest of the Cube this year. How will you bridge this gap?

Nan: Volunteering outside the Cube; targets outside and liaisons with the community.

André: Good to bring together people, make Cubers more knowledgeable about volunteering.

Nan: Volunteering Committee may seem disconnected. Connect students with volunteering.

Mubashshir: What volunteering initiative would you like to implement?

Nan: Volunteering programs with a CS angle for high schools.

André: Not a lot of money put into developing accessible education platforms. Can get CS students to volunteer as developers.

Bertrand (A* Party): How will the tutoring program find tutors for the new courses 110 and 210?

André: Find the right volunteers who are passionate and smart.

Nan: Talk to professors, get class outlines, create problem sets.

André: Peer tutoring—connecting students to other students (good for 1st year students who don’t know anything yet).

Ivy: Actually, CS students who have taken 311 or 312 have experience with functional programming, which is what 110 and 210 teach, so finding tutors for 110 and 210 should not be too much of a problem.

Wendy: It sounds to me like they should be working together. I hope that, regardless of which candidate wins, the other will have an opportunity to contribute.


Debate 2010: Bobby Kim

Bobby Kim ^_^ in person


Benjamin: Has been VP Internal for Science One Survivors.

Melissa (A* Party): 3rd year CS student, triathlete, lots of treasurer-related experience.

Bobby: Lots of Cube experience. [Proceeds to list his numerous positions.]

Melissa: Treasurer needs to do their work and be dedicated.

Benjamin: Says he’s very detail-oriented, reliable.

André (A* Party): What are your interests outside of Computer Science?

Melissa: Sports.

Benjamin: Martial arts, Dominion [a card game popular around the Cube].

Bobby: “I love Dominion, it’s all about gold! I love gold! I am Asian, very good with math! I talk a lot with Aleks 2.0!”

Iggy (Returning Officer): How accessible will you be as Treasurer?

Benjamin: [Eds’ note: we missed this answer. Sorry.]

Bobby: Always in the Cube; has 6 positions.

Melissa: Will have accessible documentation even if not accessible in person.

Iggy: What’s your qualification for this position?

Bobby: “I am Asian. That is all.”

Melissa: Lots of experience with cash, budget.

Benjamin: As VPI of Science One Survivors he has experience working within a budget.

[Bobby Kim ^_^ had no questions for his fellow candidates as “he loves everyone and won’t attack other candidates.”]

Melissa to Benjamin: I don’t see you in the Cube a lot. How will you do your duties?

Benjamin: As TA he’s in Demco [Learning Centre] and the Cube a lot.

Closing remarks

Bobby: “Vote for me!”

Benjamin: Will get job done.

Melissa: Accessible documentation, professional experience.

Piam’s Post-Debate Party

Piam: Why do you want to be Treasurer? It doesn’t sound like a fun job.

Benjamin: Likes budgeting.

Melissa: Obsessive about keeping stuff tidy.

Both would volunteer with the Cube even if they weren’t Treasurer.

{ 2 comments… read them below or add one }

1 Luke 03.24.10 at 10:03 pm

Hmmm. My mistake. I should have said I’ve attended ALMOST every meeting then.

2 Karen Lee 03.24.10 at 11:25 pm

To clarify my position on the social committee restructure:

Only Social Coordinators would be officers. This would be limited to 5-10, a number I don’t feel can be decided upon at this point. It depends on the people who choose to apply, who show dedication and the best number for efficient committee management.

I fully support the involvement of other members by creating a SoCo Volunteer committee (maybe via VP Volunteering portfolio). This committee would be for people who would like to get involved, but lack the experience, time or dedication to being a full Social Coordinator. Any volunteers that show enough dedication and commitment may be promoted to Social Coordinator. I feel that this is up to the discretion of the VP Social.

Essentially, the Social Coordinators would be the Officers that assist the VP Social in organizing and hosting events. Volunteers would be working under the Social Coordinators.

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