Update: Voting starts today!

by Wendy on March 25, 2010

in CSSS Elections 2010

This blog has been full of words, words, and more words, but the time for action—informed, at least partially, by those words—is fast upon us. Our polling booth opens today for voting!

Drop by the lobby (i.e. the first floor entrance) of the Hugh Dempster Pavilion to vote; we will be open from 10:00am to 4:00pm, both today and tomorrow.

A reminder: if you are a registered (i.e. declared) Computer Science major, then you are eligible to vote in this election!

Our election uses approval voting, as explained in the intro post; for each position, only voting for a subset of the candidates will make a difference, whereas voting for the set of all candidates is as effective as voting for the empty set. (In other words: voting for everyone is the same as voting for no one.)

Come cast your ballots! We look forward to seeing you all!

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