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Profile: Treasurer

by ivy on March 25, 2010

in CSSS Elections 2010

The Treasurer has one mandate: making sure the Cube has enough money to throw awesome events. They’re responsible for balancing the sheets, preparing budgets for the AMS/SUS/AUS, and making sure no Cube committee spends too much money. They’re also responsible for the sale of Cube merchandise like the hoodies. And finally, they’re the go-to person if any officer needs help communicating with the AMS.

This position requires someone who has a keen financial mind and an obsessive eye for detail. As Cube committees will often ask monetary questions at the last minute, the Treasurer needs to be constantly on-the-ball. Being able to promptly answer such pressing questions as, “How much have we spent so far?”, “How much do we have left in our accounts?”, and “How much can we afford to spend on this event?” is a sign of a Treasurer doing his/her job well.


  • Benjamin Israel
  • Bobby Kim ^_^
  • Melissa Smith (A* Party)

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Debates today went fairly smoothly (they had to move outside due to noise issues). One problem with these debates was that candidates often recycled their opponents’ answers. Understandable, as the good answers are all similar, but it would have been nice to see more originality.

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