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To me, it felt that Robert Arlt’s “El Juguete Rabioso” (“Mad Toy”) provides an interesting tale into the life of an adolescent as he struggles to fit in within the society that surrounds him. While the protagonist Silvio Astier is certainly a genius bookworm, his environment barely has a place for academic pursuit of any kind. In fact, it could simply be defined by one word: poverty. Yet, poverty hasn’t quite stopped Silvio from completely giving up in this world – as he spent an entire book exploring multiple solutions to try to fit in and make enough money to escape poverty: through creating a club dedicated to thievery (that eventually fell apart), joining a toxic workplace in a bookstore (which totally did wonders for his mental health), attending an academy for aviation (that he got kicked out of for being too smart, and almost drove him to kill himself), and working as a door-to-door salesman. Within the last job, he also faces a moral dilemma to either relive the dreams he had in his childhood (theft) or adhere to his values and rat out his co-conspirator.

Upon reading on all of the misfortunes that Silvio has faced in his adolescence, it really made me wonder “how?” How is a teenager like him capable of living in a constant state of turbulence without completely losing his mind for the most part? It was very admirable that he was mostly able to endure the pain and overcome it in the end, even though he barely had anyone he could count on. And he could only depend on himself to figure out the meaning of his own existence.

Yet as far as I know, the concept of identity is who you are and what you’ve done. From these two things, we create meanings. And these meanings tell us who we are. Yet, it could be complicated at times. We could start to worry over trivial matters and ask questions that we’ve never bothered to ask ourselves before. We feel more exhausted because more of our energy gets consumed by the emotional fight between the stresses that pressure us with the feeling that we must do something to answer that question, and the fear of the unknown. In this stage, we’re trapped in our minds within an isolated wasteland. There is so much pain, yet we experience too much fear to do anything about it. And to free ourselves from the war, the best thing to do is to find answers to our questions and take the appropriate action in order to progress further.

How would you define ultimately yourself as a person in comparison to Silvio? Has any fictional character inspired you the same way Silvio’s books about thievery did (they did have a heavy influence in his early adolescence annd early career choice, after all)?

Upon the first reading of the text, I did find Proust’s book to be confusing to read at first. It took me a while to do a few rereads before getting a general understanding of what is going on since I found the prose to be quite complex.

Whenever I’m reading a work of fiction, I know that I want to be immersed in the world. I want the author to completely distract me from the reality of incoming deadlines from other classes and horrible weather for the next few weeks with the protagonist’s thoughts and actions as they interact with the world around them.

The protagonist of Marcel Proust’s “Combray” definitely understands that well, saying that the action of reading enables him to be “invisible” to the rest of the outside world within his garden – and discover “the secret of truth and beauty” where their appearance in books can be felt a lot stronger than in real life (p. 116).

But what exactly is the concept of “beauty?”

I’d like to say that beauty is a combination of qualities that is pleasing to the aesthetic senses, especially to the eyes.

Anything can be beautiful, and the mere sight of beauty can instantly steal your breath away.

It is exciting. Calming. Awe-inspiring. Even heartbreaking.

I believe that we find them beautiful because as human beings, we are capable of abstract thought. Finding things beautiful just because we do is a reward in itself.

The protagonist clearly does so in his fascination for art, as well as how he perceives characters in a book. Since characters in a book are a writer’s creation, their thoughts and feelings are much more condensed and easier to follow – especially when they are transcribed on paper. As a result, that could be why Marcel feels that he has learned more about people in books than in his personal environment.

And speaking of thoughts and feelings, it was also interesting to note that Marcel tends to read the same way I do: by trying to understand the mindset of the characters. I do have a tendency to apply psychological theories (especially Freud’s theories of psychoanalysis) to the text to try to figure out any issues within them (with an example being his aunt Léonie’s case of illness anxiety disorder when her husband died).

Whenever you are given a new piece of literature, what is the first thing you do when trying to read the text or understanding the messages the author may have implied within it? Do you try to get into the mindset of the character? To immerse yourself in the environmental surroundings of the character? Has it helped you understand the text better? Why do you think that is the case?

Hello to everyone here!

My name is Arella Ng and I’m a second year student at UBC (though this is my first year here). I’ve declared my major in Psychology, and I intend on pursuing grad school in the future (thinking of going into clinical or research) and declaring a minor in Ancient Mediterranean and Near Eastern Studies.

I’m a “learn gal” studying texts derived from a “lang réal,” whose goal is to be a “mind’s heallar” and definitely not “anger all.”

Moving on.

As of now, I currently have classes involving literary analyses, etymology, Biblical studies, and creative writing. So far, I’d like to say that I’ve been enjoying the content for all of them. It’s been pretty fun overall.

…The 30+ mandatory textbooks I had to purchase and drag back to my dorm were not. My right shoulder is still aching from that.

So one of my classes this semester involves the study of Romantic literature, this time in the modern era.

Since I’ve taken RMST 201 last semester, why not take 202 as well?

I mean, it would fulfil my literature requirement for graduation. Besides, I had a great time in 201. For the most part, we mostly learned how to analyse a lot of love poetry and literary pieces concerning faith, mythology, and feminism in mostly French, Italian, and Spanish. What I liked to do during those times was to read the original text and teach myself any unfamiliar words (considering that I do have a background in Spanish, it has been very fun comparing it to Italian given how similar the two languages are).

In addition to this, I do like reading – especially when it comes to young adult fiction. After all, it does help me as a writer as I continue to edit a fantasy-dystopian novel I’ve been working on.

Regarding the videos in Romance Studies, I remember thinking back to the sources I’ve read in RMST 201 when Dr. Beasley-Murray asked for the location of the Romance World. From the sources I’ve had to read, the answers would primarily be France and Italy, as well as Spain and Portugal. Another answer I was thinking of is that the Romance World would be located in any place where people can speak a Romance language. So it was a bit of a surprise, when he said that the Romance World has no physical territory.

Looking forward to what’s in stall this semester!

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