Student Perspectives: Interview with Wes Berger

Year of Law School: 2L


Age:  26


Hometown: North Delta, BC


What did you do before law school?

I graduated with a degree in honours history from UBC in 2010, and then spent two years trying to get into law school.  During that time I worked full-time as a server at a few different restaurants. 


What area of law are you interested in?

Definitely the business/corporate law side of things.  I think I have a good idea of a few different areas I’m not really interested in, but as for exactly what aspect of corporate law I’ll wind up doing, I’m not really sure.


A fun fact about yourself…

I am an expert on Vancouver’s drink specials.  Over the last few years, I’ve been to pretty much every bar in town; I actually run a website called VanCity Drink Specials.


What was your favourite part of Orientation Week?

It was all great, but for me, probably the banquet at Sage Bistro on the final night of the week.  It’s a nice spot, and it was great to see everyone all dressed up.  We were a good lookin’ bunch…


What was the best advice an upper year gave you when you started school?

Probably that you should make sure to always consider how your actions and words fit in with the type of person you want to be.  Ask yourself: “Can I own this when I’m asked about it in an interview?”  Bold or controversial can be OK, as long as you can own it.


What was the worst advice an upper year gave you when you started school?

It’s kind of the extreme of the previous one.  Someone told me to never relax, that whenever you’re around lawyers (even at a busy event), they are watching your every move… I really don’t think that it’s true, and believing that just makes you paranoid and awkward, and that’s not going to impress anybody.


What was your favourite part of first year?

Honestly, it was the people.  When I think of first year, I just think of all the friends I made, the people in my small group especially.  Just getting to know them, getting to spend time with them, and getting to watch everyone make it to the other side, that was the best.


What was the most challenging part of first year?

One thing I found really challenging was managing all the reading.  For the first while, in an effort to avoid long periods of reading any one night, I planned to do a little reading every night.  After a while, it became obvious that this was impossible, that you’ve got to take a night off once in a while.  For months, I didn’t realize this, and I was struggling to catch up, while also feeling guilty about taking a break.  Finally, I realized it was better to just accept that some nights I am going to be too tired to do tons of reading, and to just plan to do it on nights where I had more energy.  And to not feel bad about it.


What was your favourite social event in first year?

I had a blast at the Beaver’s Halloween Party.  Great turnout and everyone got down.


What would you do differently in 1L if you could go back now?

I would go back and take up a few of the offers from lawyers to drop them a line or to go for coffee.  You go to these receptions, you collect a few cards, then – for me at least – you get a little nervous and kind of chicken-out.  I wished I had just bit the bullet and sent a few emails.  What else are you collecting business cards for?


I also would go back and exercise in the period from mid-November through like January 1st.  You  have time, go for a run.


What extracurriculars would you recommend to 1Ls?

UBC Law has both a men’s and women’s rugby team.   If you’re into sports, even if you’ve never played rugby (I hadn’t), it’s a lot of fun and it’s good for the exercise (see above).  There are also a lot of fun events and opportunities to drink beer (more on that in a minute).


I also had a blast doing the Law Revue.  This is an annual variety show put on by the students to poke fun at all things UBC Law.  If you’ve got a flair for the stage, this is the thing for you.


What was your favourite class?  Favourite professor?

This is probably the toughest question on here, because I was lucky to have awesome Professors.  I’m into Contracts, which I really enjoyed, but Nikos Harris really lives up to the legend in Crim, and Professor Edinger’s Constitutional Law class was always very lively.



Any words of wisdom for the incoming 1Ls?

I alluded to this before, but, in all seriousness, there will be a ton of opportunities for you to drink in first year.  And a lot of the time, the drinks will be free, which if you ask me, is awesome.  The firms from Vancouver all take turns hosting events, usually after school, where you get a few drink tickets, some food, and a chance to meet the lawyers.   On top of these, there’s the slew of fun events put on by the Law Students’ Society, the Beavers rugby team, the Eagles hockey team, the Wine Club, The Law Revue……You get the idea.


Don’t get me wrong, I had a blast last year, and I’m not saying to turn down your drink tickets and just go home every time there’s an event.  Maybe just, before you cash in all the extra tickets someone left behind, remember, there’s probably going to be another party next week, with more free beer, so PACE YOURSELF! 

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