Last chance for your voice… I guess.

Voting, last day tomorrow.  Yup.  Got it?  Ok.

I picked up an Ubyssey and it actually explains most of the voting matters, candidates etc quite well.  So if you’re interested or confused, go check it out.

Note: I am actually voting as I type this with the Ubyssey infront of me as my guide.  So feel free to use this as your guide as well.

Some other things: 1. You can save and continue later.  2. You don’t have to answer everything.

I am up to the 3rd choice

Vice-President finance…
who is The Invisible Man?

Seriously.  Is this a joke?  Is it some sort of political term I don’t understand?  It can’t be a joke though right… because if AMS wants students to take this seriously… they wouldn’t do that right?  Imagine being Elin Tayyer, the actual human that is running for the position.  What if he loses?  For the casual voter… how tempting is it to choose The Invisible Man?

I might actually do it.

But it would probably burden me morally to choose the potentially non existent candidate over the one with an actual picture.

I’ve hit the Senate section and I realize I’m starting to get bored and am ready to vote based on a combination of who has the most interesting last names and interesting combos based only on their faculty and past experiences.  But I will try not to.

Onto the Legal Fund Society section part and the Ubyssey is now not enough.

And apparently neither is the election website because I still have no idea what they are talking about.   I’ll leave you to figure this out on your own.   Click. 6 choices, 8 candidates, 6 writes ups.  Kinda narrows it down.

Voter funded media: waaah?  Next!

Referendums: Finally!  Things where I will actually be able to tell if my vote made a difference or not!

Note: If you check both the yes and no box you’ll get a pop up!

Ok.  You can take it from here.  Onto the next ballot clicking… CUS.

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