Times like this where I’m glad my parents didn’t kick me out at 18.

When life gives you wisdom teeth, and a doctor then takes them away before you get to see them… you are trapped inside while everyone is partying up the olympic break.

I learned something over the past 3 days that I made me realize: my parents were right, I wouldn’t survive if I moved out.

Soup burns.

Did you know that?  Like that tomato or cream of mushroom stuff from the cans.  It’s not as simple as putting it in the pot, adding water/milk and turning on the heat.

However, due to the misadventure, I did perfect the “fan the smoke away from the smoke detector to shut it up waving pillow motion.”

I sound like a total airhead don’t I?  19 years of age and can’t even make soup.  Tsk.

Actually, when I seriously evaluate whether or not I would survive if I moved out, other than the big factor of my source of income, I think I would do ok.  Not at the beginning, but I think I could adapt.

Pay the bills

Is there anything else new I need to learn?  I know it is a harsh world “out there”,  but  I’ve been more or less in the world since I’ve been born right?  My guess… is that it would take approximately 3 months 90% adapt to living on my own.

In some ways, I wish my parents did kick me out just to see if I would survive for real.

2 thoughts on “Times like this where I’m glad my parents didn’t kick me out at 18.

  1. I lived on campus in 1st year and didn’t survive at all. Home sweet home.

    I just had a wisdom tooth removed last Monday. Quite the way to celebrate reading break.

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