One more class.

One more class for me and my first year is pretty much over.  Except the exams and summer session.  That part has yet to really begin.  But to feel all dramatic, the first year is over… almost.

Thoughts on my first year…

Best part: I learned a lot about myself this year.  There were some things I thought I knew how to do, like study, which it turns out I really didn’t.  Things I thought I couldn’t do, like talking to strangers, which I couldn’t but I wasn’t as bad as I thought I would be.  I learned that I have a lot to learn.

Second best part: new experience.  Just the fact that 1st year was something new made it fun.

Worst part: The fact that there are times where I have no life outside of commuting, studying and working/homeworking. Seriously, >80% of my waking hours.

My favorite class: English 112: Strategies for University Writing.  Strange right?  There’s something about English classes that have always drawn me in. Even if it’s a course like ENGL 112 that most students probably wouldn’t take if it weren’t required.

Most important (non academic) lesson: People are inspiring, and at UBC there are opportunities to come across so many different people.  Take time and soak in their stories.  Don’t underestimate what they may have to say.

If I could go back… I would tell myself to remember to read the syllabuses, study earlier, and because I would know to study earlier, go take part in more things.  I would also tell myself where the computer lounges are and to stop eating so much of those delicious Blue Chip Cookies.

Am I happy? I guess.  Not as solid of an answer as I’d like.  Grades? Not so happy.  Growing up?  Happy.

Notes to self:
– Learn how to learn again not for the sake of a grade
– Make time for friends, for finding passions.
– Find a way so that sacrifices in grades don’t have to be made for “having a life.”

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