Save the knoll.


aka the hill, the lump, the grassy thing with the tree on the top outside of the SUB.

It’s beautiful.  It was one of the first things that caught my attention when I went on campus for the first time.

It is the location for the new SUB building.  You can go vote for your favorite architect to design the building, examples of their work are on display in the SUB right now. *End plug.*

I’m all for a shiny new building (not that I’ll still be around when it’s done… or will I be?)  but just out of curiosity, how much of the student population hangs out in the SUB?  I used to be there like it was my second home during the 1st semester, but this semester it is just too out of the way.

Back to the Knoll, I have grown an attachment to it though I’ve only sat on it maybe a max 5 times and used it as a meet up/distance gauger of where my friends are maybe about 10 times.

“Hey where are you?  …Ok, I have no idea where that is.  How far is it from the hill thing?”

I think I will be sad to see it go.  One of the architects are offering options of what to do with the Knoll.  Build around it, build over it, build under it, move it up (I hope you can imagine that…).  There are detailed diagrams of this in the SUB.  Sorry I forgot to take a picture of it.

But here is the “suggestion box”



I agree.

Some stats:

There is one more week of school. I can’t believe how incredibly challenging this year has been…

Summer is 4 months long.  That is one third of a year. Am I the only one suprised and already wondering what I’m going to do so I don’t rot this summer?

1 thought on “Save the knoll.

  1. summer school? trip? hang out with friends? Work? Volunteer? Chill? …..Sleep?

    There’s just TOO MUCH TO DO!

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