What is this ThingLink?

ThingLink was originally created for online interactive advertising. But many educators are adapting it for creating interactive images in the course content. It only takes a few minutes to create an interactive image which you can add several types of Rich Media tags. This makes it possible to have multiple social content links to be accessed from one image.

To see how ThingLink works, first make sure this post is completely open, so the “continue reading →” is not visible below the image. Then just mouse over the image and click on the green icons to learn more about this enigmatic print by Francisco Goya.

This print is work No. 43 of Goya’s “Caprichos” series (1st edition, Madrid, 1799). Public Domain .

And if you are using externally created HTML pages for your LMS, yes, it works with the  SSL enabled. It also works on ipad, iphone and android devices.

  1. One way to use ThingLink is for student projects. Note, there are student privacy issues to consider, but the Premium Education version allows instructors to generate usernames and passwords for student use.
  2.  ThingLink can be used by educators to create interactive content for online, blended courses.


Thinglink. (n.d.). In Wikipedia. Retrieved from: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thinglink

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