
My name is Katlyn Paslawski, born and raised in friendly Manitoba. I now live in Winnipeg with my boyfriend Dave and our cats. A few weeks ago we took photos on our front door steps to support local shelters and those in need during this difficult time. This is my 5th MET course alongside ETEC 523 this term and I am loving it! I enjoy the diversity of courses offered and how they are presented. I work as a High School Math and Science teacher in Winnipeg in the regular stream and a credit recovery program for struggling youth. Right now I am teaching my course online, as many of you are, and adapting to the challenges it offers. I feel very fortunate to have some knowledge and preparation to teaching online with the help of MET.

4 Replies to “Introduction”

  1. Great to meet you, Katlyn!
    Your cats are utterly gorgeous 🙂 I’m also doing both those courses this term, will be interesting to see how they combine.

    Looking forward to learning with and from you during this course.

    1. Hi Jamie! That’s exciting, I’m looking forward to working with you in both course. Nice to know I’ll have someone to chat with.

  2. Hey Katlyn,
    What a nice way to support a shelter. I have heard of similar initiatives in Montreal and love the idea to give back and document the trends that emerge during Covid. I am also a pet lover and will be looking to adopt a new cat soon from a shelter in Montreal. Looking forward to discussing with you,

    1. Hi Emily, that’s fantastic, I am excited for you! 🙂 Looking forward to hearing about your new cat in the future.

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