Reading Valerie’s post from potato printing inspired me and reminded me to think outside the box. For this link I would like to reflect on my potato printing post to Valeries.

I loved the creativity expressed in Valerie’s potato printing post. Valerie shared her experience and her process in great detail which provides a great opportunity to compare her experience to mine. As I shared in my post, I enjoyed printing with the potato’s despite the challenges along the way.
Valerie’s experience contrasts mine as she describes the brainstorming process that she did with her son. She explains other words that they consider to select when brainstorming and allowed her son to take control of the selection process. I had not considered brainstorming words or creating a prototype for my image. The process of creating a prototype resulted in a beautiful final product that Valerie used to create a t-shirt for her son. Valerie documented her journey with images that display the attention to detail she had for her stamps including alignment, type face and layout on the shirt. When I was creating my stamps I had not considered how to create a design that would result in a beautiful type face as Valerie’s. If I were to do this again I would consider how I want the print to look aesthetically.
I do not know for certain but if I were to take a guess, I would say that Valerie has experiencing teaching children how to write. Valerie includes specific comments about the letter heights and their correct position, something that I had not considered. I imaged potato stamps to be capital letters, and that is what I did, without thinking twice. The greatest difference between my experience and Valerie’s was the creation of the final product. I love how Valerie’s son choose to print the text onto a t-shirt rather than onto paper. She brings up a great point about imagination and children and I love how she just went with it and made a shirt. Valerie really took this activity to the next level and I applaud her for it. If you have yet to check out Valerie’s post I highly recommend it!
Thanks for sharing Valerie!