What If In Education

What if learning only occurred in virtual reality?

Met Julia, she is a 10th grade student in the year 2045. Julia wakes up in the morning and gets ready for school, however this looks very different than from how you and I got ready for school. Julia doesn’t need to leave her house to attend class or interact with her peers. All she has to do it put on her virtual headset and she enters her classroom along with her friends and teacher. Julia sees her peers and teacher just like we used to when we were in school, however no one is physically there. In 2045 students do not attend school, nor do the teachers. As populations continued to climb, the space required for physical schools was too great and the risk of infection too large to justify sending students to school. VR classrooms was the best way to keep students connected to a classroom while using the technology we have available to learn. Julia can join her classroom from any location in her home and participate in learning using the headset. She is able to collaborate with peers in what appears to be a classroom and interact with technology in many ways.

Image Sources:

AR Post, 2018. How virtual and augmented reality will change the way children learn. AR Post. Retrieved from https://arpost.co/2018/08/07/virtual-augmented-reality-will-change-way-children-learn/

CableLabs, 2018. Cable and education: Welcome to the classroom of the future. Medium. Retrieved from https://medium.com/@CableLabs/cable-and-education-welcome-to-the-classroom-of-the-future-fbfb6b8ed564

KBIS, 2017. Design, Michael Schluetter, one the future of kitchen design. KBIS. Retrieved from https://kbis.com/exhibitor-news/liebherr-appliances-interviews-acclaimed-designer-michael-schluetter-on-the-future-of-kitchen-design/

What if algorithms predicted student success in re-doing courses?

Audio File Transcript:

Audio File meeting note, June 15th, 2026.

Today the decision was made to place Edwin into alternative programming to complete grade 9 core subjects that he did not pass in the 2025-2026 school year. According to SAFA’s recommendation, Edwin would not be successful if he were to return to regular programming to re-do courses next year. As Principal, I agree with this decision due to attendance, course scores, assignment completion and other personality factors.

In the year 2026 administrators have the final say for decisions made within their school, however, they are provided many recommendations from algorithms designed to reduce bias and easy the workload. SAFA stands for Student Algorithm For Success which predicts students ability to be successful if they were to re-do courses in high school. In this audio file a Principal recorded her decision to place Edwin into alternative programming to complete his grade 9 cores due to the recommendation that SAFA provided her. SAFA includes variables such as attendance, course scores, assignment completion and personality traits to ensure student are successful.

20 Replies to “What If In Education”

  1. Hi Katlyn,

    These both sound like horrifying futures to me, but you did a good job in making it come across in a very neutral way. Do you see these speculative futures as generally positive or negative?

    For the VR education option, is there a benefit to it even if we are not forced into it by overcrowding and disease? I can see some obvious benefits by making education a bit more accessible for people with disabilities, health issues, or access issues (remote areas, for example). I think there are also pretty clear downsides, at least with technology as we know it now. It isn’t fully immersive, it makes some people sick, it lacks any kind of physical feedback, etc. If it keeps improving to address these issues, though, it could be a really good option for some people.

    For the second narrative, would it actually reduce bias to remove teacher opinions in favour of algorithmic opinions, or would it just introduce the biases of the algorithm designers? It reminds me of some of the discussion in the readings last week. Perhaps if it was an open-sourced algorithm with direct input and feedback from teachers, parents, and students, this could work?

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  7. Imagine if all learning happened in virtual reality! It’s an exciting idea that could change how we learn, especially in subjects like math education so we become masters in math education. Picture students putting on VR headsets and diving into math problems in a virtual classroom. They could interact with objects, work together with classmates from anywhere, and have fun while learning. It’s like bringing math to life! Using VR for math education could make learning more engaging and help students understand concepts better. It’s a cool way to use technology to improve education! Thanks for giving a great idea !

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