Dear starving post-secondary students,

With so little time, and money, it’s still possible to create that home-away-from-home feeling in your new slightly-larger-than-your-old-closet dorm space! Did I mention it’ll only cost you $25? You’re  new BFF is non-other than… Dollarama, and some creativity (I’ve got you covered in that department!).


For $2.00 wall decorations have never gotten easier (and cheaper!). An easy way to turn your dreary white walls into a masterpiece is simple. Stop by your local Dollarama and scout out some stick-on butterfly wall decor… no one will know you just used some pocket change on this idea! These easy, cute, ready-to-go butterflies can take up any amount of space you desire, all you have to do is peel off the paper backing and they are ready to put up! I found mine in a pack of 11, which contained multisized butterflies. TIP: Be sure to map out what you want to do before hand. Once these beauties go up, their backing isn’t reusable! Here’s my wall design… Butterfly Decor

For FREE try adding some inspiration, and motivaiton by reusing old newspapers!  Using a cork-board (my residence dorm already had one… there are also boards available at Dollarama, as well as thumb tacs) create a collage of newspaper articles of your choosing. Before I departed for my flight to Vancouver, my mother gave this idea, she handed me an article, “Give up beer to erase student debt? Hmm…” Nothing beats motherly love.

For $5.00 cover your wall with memories! (What could be a better way to feel at home?) Print off a number of your favourite pictures with family and friends. Pickup some twine, and wooden clothing hangers. (If you’re feeling artsy grab some paint to decorate the clips!) Now run the twine through the metal holes of the clip. Cut the twine to a desirable length and you have adorable, unique picture hangers. 


For FREE explore Vancouver… who knows what you’ll find? I happened to be walking to work on W 4th Ave the other day and came across a bin labelled “free stuff please help yourself”. Astronished by the generosity I automatically assumed it was a prank. After looking around to see if I was being filmed, I concluded this was legitimate! After rummaging through the box I found myself two ink sketches, absolutely beautiful… and free! Street art, postcards, and even old drivers licenses are just a few cheap ways to make you room look unique.


For $5.00 an effective and easy way to fill those gaps in your wall is by using your own jewellery as wall decor! This cost effective idea, left my room looking as fashionable as I am! (How modest, right?) Most residences don’t allow hammering a nail into your wall, so purchase five or six stick on wall hangers from Dollarama. You can cheap out because you are only hanging one necklace per hanger. Now arrange your hangers on you wall in a V-shaped or zig-zag manor, then, hang your favourite necklaces on each hanger. TIP: If you are looking to hang a coat I wouldn’t recommend these hangers, they aren’t very strong! 

For $3.00 you can revisit Dollarama and get green! I always deck-out my room in nature. Due to my inherent ability to kill any living thing I own, fake flowers are a must! Dollarama has hundreds of cheap, but beautiful, fake flowers that look incredibly real. TIP: Try snipping off the stems of the flowers and sit them in old tea light candle holder as a new way to add a pop of colour to your room. Mason jars also make great vases! (Talk about multi-use.)

Don’t only focus on sight…

For $10.00 the best way to make your room feel like home is not only through sight, but, smell! Candles are a perfect way to lighten up a rainy day (I’ll be getting quiet a few in Vancouver). Although you could cheap out on candles from the Dollar Store, I highly recommend investing. Why? Unless you are using them soley for appearance, I notice the wicks burn fast, and you wind up with a fairly artificial smelling room. (Not saying that my current favourite Bath & Body Works scent vanilla, pumpkin, marshmallow candle isn’t artificial… it retains it’s smell, and doesn’t having that plastic quality you’ll have in cheaper candles.)

For a grand total of $25 you CAN transform your new living space for the next 8 months into your home-away-from-home, and afford groceries that week. 

Lots of love,
