#3) What Does the Fox Say?

October 5th, 2013 § 0 comments

Ringdingding, apparently.

The above video went viral in September, with over 88 million videos to date. It is a music video, conceptualized and performed by a comedy duo from Norway, Ylvis. Ylvis have claimed that the purpose of the video was to entertain viewers of their talk show in Norway. The video, was by no means, meant to be a marketing tool. However, the video has been extremely successful in generating interest in their talk show all across the globe, particularly in North America.

What intrigued me was the video’s ability to generate interest in Ylvis’s talk show despite it bearing almost no relation or reference to said talk show.

Many organisations spend thousands of dollars on elaborate marketing strategies and advertising tools, in hopes of generating interest in their product or services. A lot of research goes into understanding the behaviour and preferences of target markets, strategies are then formulated over several months, and finally, thousands of dollars spent in execution.With no means to discredit Ylvis… Although I am sure much thought went into producing their video, I am certain that the video was produced without any elaborate research or strategy in mind. And yet, the publicity they achieved is only what many organizations can dream of.

The video, in my opinion, makes no sense albeit raising the interesting question of “what does the fox say?”. But its high entertainment value was extremely successful in capturing the attention of over 88 million views, and subsequently views for their talk show. This is but one example of how pure entertainment value can help  generate buzz for one’s brand.

Perhaps Ylvis  simply possess a very subtle understanding of today’s audience, and were able to craft this hilarious video to capture our attention.

An intentional promotional tool or not, all I know is the catchy song and video will be stuck in my head for weeks to come, and I am sure I’m not the only one.



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