#5) Repose to Valeria’s Blog: Coca-Cola’s Unique Bottles

October 29th, 2013 § 0 comments

After reading Valeria’s post on Coca-Cola, I was intrigued by Coke’s marketing efforts and their new line of green coke in Argentina. I did a little more reading and uncovered that the soda giant has also been pushing a new line of Coca-cola that comes in ice bottles in Colombia. The selling point of these glass bottles is that no waste gets left behind after the soda has been consumed, and the bottle melts away to water.

It appears that Coca-Cola is really making an effort  to keep up with the growing social trend of greener consumption. Not particularly well-read or aware of conservation and green consumption trends in Southern America, I decided to try and find more information about the topic. However, nothing substantial came up in my research. Thus, I find it intriguing that Coca-Cola would launch these greener products in regions not particularly well-known for its priorities in green consumption.

Nevertheless, both products seem to be doing pretty well in these markets, reportedly selling almost 300 bottles an hour in Colombia. If Coca-cola has plans to expand this product to other markets, I have no doubt that these greener products would do well in North America where consumers are more active in environmental conservation and green consumption. Furthermore, I am sure that many people will purchase a few bottles of each product out of pure curiosity. I know won’t be able to resist!



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