Labor geographies

workers buttonPeck J (2022) Modalities of labor: restructuring, regulation, regime. In E Baglioni, L. Campling, N. M. Coe & A. Smith (eds) Labour regimes and global production. Newcastle upon Tyne: Agenda Publishing, 63-78

Peck J (2021) Offshore outsourcing. In G Ritzer & C Rojek (eds) The Wiley-Blackwell encyclopedia of sociology, Second Edition, Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell, 1-2

Peck J (2017) Offshore: exploring the worlds of global outsourcing Oxford University Press, Oxford

Peck J (2016) The right to work, and the right at work. Economic Geography 92(1): 4-30

Theodore N and Peck J (2013) Selling flexibility: temporary staffing in a volatile economy. In J Fudge & K Strauss (eds) Temporary work, agencies, and unfree labour: insecurity in the new world of work. London: Routledge, 26-47

Peck J and Theodore N (2012) Politicizing contingent labor: countering neoliberal labor-market regulation … from the bottom up? South Atlantic Quarterly 111(4): 741-761

Peck J (2012) Welfare to work. In D Coates, K Smith & CW Walldorf (eds) The Oxford companion to American politics. Oxford: Oxford University Press

Peck J and Theodore N (2010) Labor markets from the bottom up. In S McGrath-Champ, A Herod & A Rainnie (eds) Handbook of employment and society: working space. Cheltenham: Edward
Elgar, 87-105

Peck J and Theodore N (2008) Carceral Chicago: making the ex-offender employability crisis.
International Journal of Urban and Regional Research
32(2): 251-281

Peck J and Theodore N (2007) Flexible recession: the temporary staffing industry and mediated work in the United States. Cambridge Journal of Economics 31(2): 171-192