Entrepreneur: Henry Ford

When asked to look for an example of an entrepreneur, my first thought was of someone not from our time period.Yet he still manages to affect our every day lives, and will continue to do so for the rest of time.

He is Henry Ford, the entrepreneur that revolutionized the motor industry, and brought cars to what they are today. Ford meets every requirement given of an entrepreneur:

Wealth Creation: the model T was a raving success, and Henry Ford enjoyed substantial profits through his creations.

Speed of Wealth: Ford experienced these profits immediately, and they continued to rise as cars became more readily available.

Risk: He revolutionized the auto industry. If starting a company during this time, in that industry, is not risky, please tell me what is.

Innovation: The man created mass production. He created the family car. His company continues to innovate and lead in the industry, and has been voted countless times as the greatest car manufacturer of all time. Henry Ford was a man of innovation, and he created a company in this same image.

If it wasn’t for the entrepreneurship of Henry Ford, who knows what our life would be like now. A single man managed to make the lives of every single other person to live so much easier. Could this not make him the greatest entrepreneur to ever live?

Images from Google.

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