For my eleventh blog post (you guys get a bonus one- lucky you), I was essentially asked to reflect on what is the point of the Arc project and social entrepreneurship if the United Nations was fully funded. In my eyes, the UN and the Arc project/social entrepreneurship are two sides of a coin. On one side is the UN, whose job is to encourage co-operation amongst countries and bring peace and security to all. Sadly, this goal is arguably unattainable and the UN’s job becomes essentially a “janitorial” job of trying to clean up the messes all over the world. At a first glance, social entrepreneurship is essentially trying to do the same thing: make the world a better place. Where it differs is that social entrepreneurship tries to innovate and find a different solution to the problem. By extension, the Arc Project gives youth the training and the first steps that are necessary to pursue social entrepreneurship in the future. Even if UN is fully funded, they won’t be able to eliminate all the world’s problems; social entrepreneurship and the Arc project will still be necessary to help encourage people to think outside the box.
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