I maintain two labs for research and teaching, and was funded by the Canada Foundation for Innovation. Sandra Mathison, E. Wayne Ross, and I founded and co-Direct the Institute for Critical Education Studies. In ICES, we sponsor, co-edit, and support two cutting-edge journals, Critical Education and Workplace: A Journal for Academic Labor, and an extremely active blog for Workplace.
The labs provide a hub for HWL research and teaching. The 1106 lab is primarily for undergraduate teaching, but it is increasingly used for graduate research and workshops. For example, in summer 2008, 2010, and 2011, a gaming and robotics camp was offered within the context of the How We Learn research project.
New Media Research Lab (Scarfe 1224) (Funded by: Social Science and Humanities Research Council, 2005-)
The New Media Research Lab (NMRL) accommodates the How We Learn (Technology Across the Lifespan) and Encountering Technology and Emotion(s) funded research projects. The NMRL provides office and media engagement space for faculty and graduate students focusing on new media. The lab is equipped with hubs for gaming and media production, including the design and testing of chatbots.
Learning Sciences and Technologies Research Lab (Scarfe 1221, 1224) (Funded by: Canada Foundation for Innovation and BC Knowledge Development Fund, 2008-)
The LSTRL is for studying how attributes of new technologies and new modes of engagement affect learning. The interaction of these two primary variables is fundamental to the learning sciences but is poorly understood, and experimental research is urgently needed to help educators and managers take advantage of the technologies. For more information: https://blogs.ubc.ca/howwelearn
Linux / Design & Technology / Robotics Lab (Scarfe 1106)
In January-March 2000, the room was transformed into a Design and Technology Classroom and Lab. In 2005, a networked Linux system was installed as a teaching lab, and the infrastructure also facilitates robotics and applied science activities for teacher education, graduate education, and research. In 2011, we upgraded the network for research in OpenSim.
I specialize in designing and maintaining Virtual Spaces, social media, and Infrastructure to complement the physical labs. The design and maintenance of virtual infrastructure is labor-intensive and expertise-dependent. Examples of virtual infrastructure includes:
Institute for Critical Education Studies
Co-Directors Sandra Mathison, E. Wayne Ross, and Stephen Petrina
Institute for Critical Education Studies
How We Learn Media & Technology (Across the Lifespan) blog
ETEC 511 & 531 + EDCP 481 & 571 blog
OpenSim Virtual Research Space