Nov 18 2012

Dreams vs Degree

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I have always thought that if I had to pay for college with my own personal savings, I would never go in the first place. I just don’t see how it would be worth it to put yourself deeply in debt, while missing out on four years of experience just to say you have a degree. Then, once you have the degree, only using it to your advantage to land your first job because after that it is all about past job experience. The opportunity costs are not worth in my opinion; I’m confident that during the four years I would be at school, I could work my way sufficiently up through a company and be making more than right out of college with a degree. Obviously, I have no facts to verify this, but it is just how I feel, and reading the article “Forgoing College to Pursue Dreams” backs up my belief. The article talks about a Princeton dropout, who chose to pursue her dreams rather than a degree. Like the article states, I think the real world is capable of giving one a better education because at the moment the schooling system is still entirely based on marks, and taking a test does not help someone be successful after college. This is huge reason why I chose to take this class, Comm 101, because it encourages students to take responsibility for their own learning and gives a better representation of what life will be like after college. School and receiving a degree is important, but is too highly emphasized in society. All that should matter is if one is capable of going out and making a positive difference in our world.


Read the full article on The New York Times

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Nov 18 2012

How to Buy on Black Friday

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I watched the video, “From Long Lines to Online: Death to Black Friday?” on Businessweek. It talked about how online and brick-and-mortar commerce are becoming more unified. It is projected that about ten percent of sales this Black Friday will come from online, which is higher than in the past and is forecasted in the future to only increase. I think this is very accurate, because technology is becoming a very efficient way to compare products and prices. It is all about getting the most bang for your buck, and though as the video states, some products may require one to go to the store and actually touch and test the products, more and more people are realizing that great deals can be found online from the comfort of their own home. I never understood the idea of waking up early and waiting in long lines on Black Friday, but some people do enjoy the supposed thrill of it and feeling good about getting a great deal. I think online commerce will be a huge focus for companies in the future because, especially men, most likely prefer avoiding the hassle of shopping and getting their products directly shipped to them. For the next few years at least, I think Black Friday will continue to see long lines outside stores, but companies will begin to more evenly divide their emphasis between both online and brick-and-mortar retail.

Watch the VIDEO

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Nov 18 2012

We are the Cast

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The Urthecast Presentation given by Robert Kennedy was one of the most captivating lectures I have heard in awhile. There is so much I like about the company. First off, I love the name, “U R THE CAST.” It is so fitting because we all play a small role in the live streaming of the entire planet. This will be an amazing way to capture footage from angles never seen before. Once again, I want to talk about innovation. This is such a creative concept. I know this company will be successful because it offers a service that no one else even comes close too and its target audience is enormous. Shows like Planet Earth and similar programs have done very well because everyone loves learning about extraordinary events, creatures and locations that are all part of this beautiful planet. The videos shown during the presentation were breathtaking and mind blowing. This new technology will give an entirely new perspective on the world, which makes it extremely attractive. It is companies and ideas like this that I hope to be part of when I am older because they change the way we think. The business plan described was very convincing in its profitability and future success. I can not wait to the site up and fully functioning!

To learn more about UrtheCast, click here.

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Nov 18 2012

Microsoft Makes a Modern Move

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After reading the article, “Microsoft makes its pitch for the mobile age,” I am glad to hear the company has finally decided to catch up with modern times. As a previous PC user, I always wondered what Microsoft was doing in respect to touch screen and portable devices. I watched Apple come out with more and more new products, while Microsoft stayed relatively quiet. Windows 8, the newest operating system, was released at the end of October and is projected to have much more success, than the previous Vista, and Windows 7 systems. This optimism is mostly due to the fact that Microsoft has finally incorporated new features like the touch screen, which has been extremely popular for companies like Apple. I am happy that Microsoft is getting back in the game; the forecast by 2016, is to establish a quarter of the tablet market and vast increase in the amount of smart phone operating systems. Microsoft feels their edge over competitors will come from the fact that their mobile devices will be capable of running the infamous Office suite (Word, Excel, Powerpoint), which is not available on the iPad. I think this is a significant point of difference, that will be highly valued by the business sector of the market. Their devices are also sold for slightly cheaper in most cases, which will also encourage customers to choose their products over competitors. Currently, Apple has a decent strong hold in this market, but should be getting worried. I wouldn’t be surprised if four years or so from now, Comm Tutorials are decorated with the colorful widows of Microsoft, instead of Mac’s apple dominating the the desktops.


Read the full article on the Economist

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Nov 17 2012

Energy Aware – The Key to Success

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In class on November 8th, Janice Cheam, an entrepreneur from Vancouver came in and told us about her business, Energy Aware. I was very fascinated with what she discussed and what it is was like to start up her business. My hope is to one day also own a business and learning about angel investors and what she had to go through was very useful information. She really made it clear that starting your own company takes an extreme amount of dedication, but if you love what you are doing than it is absolutely worth it to give it a shot because most likely the job opportunities you pass up will still be there if things don’t go as planned. Energy Aware is great example of innovation, which is topic that has come up quite frequently in my blogs. Innovation is the key to success and a bright future. Energy Aware offers a product that not only saves the customer money in the long run, but has a social benefit to this world. Spreading awareness about saving energy and money is a great way to encourage society to change and protect the environment. As a species, Humans must now learn how to use our limited resources more appropriately and efficiently. This is exactly what Energy Aware does and this is why it is no wonder it has turned out to be a great success. It is becoming quite obvious from what I have learned in Comm, that a company with proper business ethnics and strong social values is more likely to be successful because it will gather more respect for making the world a better place.

To learn more about Energy Aware, visit


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Nov 14 2012

Water and the Future

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Original Article from the online blog, Environmental Leaders


Forty years ago, the Clean Water Act was passed and put into effect. Today our world needs these innovative ideas with the help of strong environmental and political leaders more than ever, to ensure the preservation of the environment and safety of all life on earth. This may seem overdramatic to some, but our world is currently under extreme threats of global warming and population growth. Clean drinking water is directly connected to these issues and after reading the article, “Honoring the Clean Water Act with New Innovation,” from the Environmental Leader blog site, I am relieved that new concepts and creative ideas are being pondered and implemented in hopes for a better, more environmentally-friendly tomorrow. Water will be a huge issue in the future; so many today, already deprived of what is the most essential thing for life. As the world continues to grow, we must do all we can to use our resources appropriately and efficiently. Researchers in Europe have recently developed a new process, which can generate “bioplastics” from wastewater. We now have the ability to create biodegradable plastics from our own waste. This is an incredible step in the right direction and though, it does not solve all of our future problems, it is this innovative willpower to do good that will save us all. 



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Oct 08 2012

Essays for Sale: Unethical, but Legal?

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I read the article “Official calls for review of essay writing companies,” addressed in Braden Fong’s blog. I first have to say that it seems unreasonable such companies even exist in Vancouver. I agree with Braden’s point on ethics. This is unethical on two levels. Companies should not be offering such a service because it is encouraging cheating, in the respect that the work being handed in is not their own. And students who choose to take this approach are breaking school expectations for academic honesty. In other words this is plagiarism and should not be viewed as an acceptable way of completing your homework. Universities certainly do not appreciate such companies, “university professors asked the provincial government to provide some kind of legal framework to make the process illegal. While universities are able to discipline the student, they’re powerless against companies that operate off campus.”

As Rob Gordon stated, “They’re ripping off the system.” I couldn’t agree more. These companies are encouraging cheating and undermining education, while making a profit of about 200 dollars per essay. Companies suspected or known of offering “Essay Expert” services should be closely reviewed and reprimanded accordingly.




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Oct 07 2012

Unconventional Marketing Strategy

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I took a look at the article, “Toilet Paper Ads in a Bathroom Near You?” on CNBC, originally posted by David Brown. The advertising strategy referred to in the article is quite bold as David stated, which I think has great opportunity. Similar to television commercials, the success is due in part to the fact there’s nothing else to do, but listen. The Silverman brothers have come across a unique way of marketing. Toilet paper ads would give the washroom goer something to read, while advertising different brands and products, all while saving paper, on what would otherwise be blank sheets of TP. As addressed in David’s Blog, unconventional marketing techniques seem to fizzle out over time, but some ideas are just meant for success. I strongly support this strategy, as my analysis shows, it would save companies money and would allow for a great new way to advertise. Companies should jump on the opportunity of having their brand advertised in public restrooms, like restaurants, stadiums, and colleges because theres no avoiding the ads; it’s that simple, which makes it a smart, cheap and memorable way of advertising. Compared to a television commercial, the amount of money it would cost to advertise is substantially less and unlike TV or radio, the consumer can not just skip to another channel. People are subjected to advertisements almost everywhere, but the bathroom is an untapped market waiting to be exploited.


CNBC Article:


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Oct 07 2012

Thumbs Up Brand Association

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Thumbs Up is the leading brand of cola in the Indian Industry, at nearly 42% of the market share. Coca-Cola India Pvt and Owner of the Thumbs Up brand recently made an endorsement agreement with Salman Khan, who they hope will further benefit the brand with his association. Salman is a current megastar in India, and with his popularity after his last two hits, the CEO of Coca-Cola India hopes, “the brand’s core values of masculinity, adventure, thrill and excitement will further be amplified by Salman’s association and will help us take the brand to the next level.” As the brand ambassador, Salman will be able to bring in even more consumers because of his vast amount of followers and support. Not only this, but Coca-Cola also signed an agreement with The Salman Khan Foundation, Being Human. The association between these two organization will be mutually beneficial; Coca-Cola and Being Human will work together to give back and build strong communities, which in turn will lead to greater respect and support. Coca-Cola is helping their brand image by associating with Being Human and similar foundations and as result should see more success in the future.

Original Article:

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Sep 05 2012

BP Business Ethics Questioned

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In April 2010, an explosion on the BP Deepwater Horizon drilling rig in the Gulf of Mexico killed 11 workers and caused the largest offshore oil spill in US history. Now, years later, the company is being sued for millions of dollars by institutional investors, claiming the company misled them about their safety policies and the scale of the spill. The investors lost substantial sums in their investments and allege that they would not have bought their shares at the price they did if they were not misled about the companies safety first policies. According to these investors, after the spill, BP also released statements assuring investors that the spill was limited and containable, which was later found to be false. They feel BP “acted in reckless disregard of the truth, ignoring and concealing indications that the disaster was much larger than investors were being led to believe.” This evidence leads me to believe that BP acted unethically and as a result should pay damages to their investors. At the same time, it is hard to argue this point because oil rigs are particularly risky to invest in, but the fact of the matter is, if the investors were truly misled and/or lied to, then the company is in a breach of ethics and should be penalized.

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