UBC Philippine Studies Series


Tungkol Saan? (about)

with 3 comments

As of April 2012, we’ve moved to philippinestudiesseries.wordpress.com. Please update your bookmarks. Thanks!

The Philippine Studies Series: Academics + Action + Art is a series of events and projects that highlight academic work, community action and art with the hope of providing a venue for the discussion of Philippine issues within UBC. It also aims to contribute to the strengthening of the Filipino Community in Canada. Finally, it wishes to help sustain a Vancouver-based network of scholars and community members interested in research on Philippine topics.The Philippine Studies Series is being funded by the Liu Institute for Global Issues at the University of British Columbia.

The Philippine Studies Series (PSS) has been active since February 2011, hosting art exhibits, film screenings, workshops and more. Check our recent posts on the right to see upcoming events. New participants are always welcome.

Volunteer opportunities are available and you don’t need to be affiliated with UBC to join. If you have any further inquiries, feel free to send an email to ubc.pss[at]gmail.com.

Written by Philippine Studies Series

February 20th, 2011 at 5:42 pm

Posted in

3 Responses to 'Tungkol Saan? (about)'

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  1. Congratulations on this initiative; I just heard of it.
    As for further resource persons on the Philippines on campus there is Professor Emeritus Prod Laquian from the School of Planning, and Professor Ian Townsend-Galt, School of Law. Prof. Laquian knows everything about the Philippines, and Prof. Townsend-Galt is an expert on the disputes in the South China Sea.
    I used to show “Rustling of Leaves” in my classes at Langara, but not for some time now.

    Good luck with this series.


    Jim Placzek

    20 Nov 11 at 8:03 pm

  2. Salamat Dr. P.

    We will email you with our future events, and you’re always welcome to go.


  3. Добрый день!!!

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    1 Dec 21 at 7:14 am

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