UBC Philippine Studies Series


Archive for the ‘Philippines’ tag

(Usapan 2): Photos and Video from Monitoring Canadian Mining in the Philippines through Social Media

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Photos from Usapan 2: Monitoring Canadian Mining in the Philippines through Social Media


A video of the presentation is soon to follow.

Video from Mobit at the Third People’s Mining Conference

You can follow Mobit Mindanao on:
Facebook: Mobit Mindanao
Twitter: mobit_cc
Youtube: MobitTV
Blog: Mobit Mindanao

Mobit Mindanao is looking for volunteers who can translate their blog posts from Bisaya to English. Please send an email to mobitmobit@gmail.com for details.

March 19 Reading Session: Neferti Tadiar and Ruth Mabanglo

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UBC Philippine Studies Series

Lunch-time Reading Session

Monday, March 19, 2012

12:30-2:00 pm (Bring your own lunch, coffee and snacks will be served)

at Room 121, UBC Liu Institute for Global Issues

Assigned Reading: Chapter 3 “Poetics of Filipina Export” in

Things Fall Away: Philippine Historical Experience and the Makings of Globalization”

by Neferti Tadiar

Session Moderator:

Caroline Chingcuanco, UBC BA Political Science

Online access: http://resolve.library.ubc.ca/cgi-bin/catsearch?bid=3993651

To RSVP, email ubc.pss@gmail.com

Please note that this event is preceded by a field work report on Canadian Mining Companies in the Philippines.

Participants are also invited to refer to the following selection of poems by Ruth Mabanglo which are heavily discussed in the assigned chapter.

Filipino Versions 

Liham ni Pinay mula sa Kuwait

Liham ni Pinay mula sa Japan

Liham ni Pinay mula sa Singapore

Liham ni Pinay mula sa Australia

Liham ni Pinay mula sa Hongkong

Liham ni Pinay mula sa Brunei

Anyaya Ng Imperyalista

Sa Amerika

English Translations 

Pinay’s Letter From Kuwait

Pinay’s Letter From Japan

Pinay’s Letter From Singapore

Pinay’s Letter From Australia

Pinay’s Letter From Hongkong

Pinay’s Letter From Brunei

Invitation of the Imperialist

I, in America

Written by dada.docot

March 8th, 2012 at 12:08 pm

Undergraduate Paper: Castilian Friars, Colonialism and Language Planning

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SJ Kerr-Lapsley, a fourth year undergraduate student at UBC, attended the opening night of the MAHAL art exhibit held at the YACTAC Gallery (October 2011) and found herself inspired by the exhibited works. Here is the final paper that she wrote — a result of her engagement and conversation with the exhibited works, particularly Chaya Go’s “ancients.” 

Castilian Friars, Colonialism and Language Planning:

How the Philippines Acquired a Non- Spanish National Language

by SJ Kerr-Lapsley

4th year, UBC Anthropology

The topic of the process behind the establishment of a national language, who chooses it, when and why, came to me in an unexpected way. The UBC Philippine Studies Series hosted an art exhibit in Fall 2011 that was entitled MAHAL. This exhibit consisted of artworks by Filipino/a students that related to the Filipino migratory experience(s). I was particularly fascinated by the piece entitled Ancients by Chaya Go (Fig 1). This piece consisted of an image, a map of the Philippines, superimposed with Aztec and Mayan imprints and a pre-colonial Filipina priestess. Below it was a poem, written in Spanish. Chaya explained that “by writing about an imagined ‘home’ (the Philippines) in a language that is not ours anymore, I am playing with the idea of who is Filipino and who belongs to the country” (personal communication, November 29 2011). What I learned from Chaya Go and Edsel Ya Chua that evening at MAHAL, that was confirmed in the research I uncovered, was that in spite of being colonized for over three hundred and fifty years the Philippines now has a national language, Filipino, that is based on the Tagalog language which originated in and around Manila, the capital city of the Philippines (Himmelmann 2005:350). What fascinated me was that every Spanish colony that I could think of, particularly in Latin and South America, adopted Spanish as their national language even after they gained independence from Spain. This Spanish certainly differed from the Spanish in neighboring countries and regions, as each form of Spanish was locally influenced by the traditional languages that had existed before colonization, but its root was Spanish and it identified itself as Spanish. How then, did the Philippines managed to come out of colonization by that same country, with a Filipino language that is locally influenced by Spanish, rather than the other way around? It was this question that prompted my paper. Read more…

Written by Caroline Chingcuanco

January 25th, 2012 at 4:09 pm

Feb 1 Reading Session: Neferti Tadiar

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UBC Philippine Studies Series

Lunch-time Reading Session

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

12-1:30 pm (Bring your own lunch)

at Room 216A, UBC Liu Institute for Global Issues

Assigned Reading: Introduction and Part I of

Things Fall Away: Philippine Historical Experience and the Makings of Globalization”

by Neferti Tadiar

Session Moderator: Caroline Chingcuanco, UBC BA Political Science

Online access: http://resolve.library.ubc.ca/cgi-bin/catsearch?bid=3993651 

To RSVP, email ubc.pss@gmail.com

Written by dada.docot

January 23rd, 2012 at 11:16 am

Ideas for USAPAN 2012

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Email Address:
Affiliation UBC
Other University
Community Organization
Have you attended any UBC PSS event? Yes
I plan to
We are currently collecting ideas for USAPAN (Discussion), a series of talks where we will invite students of all levels to share academic and creative products involving Philippine topics, as well as their experiences as volunteer workers in the Philippines, or with organizations working on Philippine-related issues. PLEASE tell us what topics you would like to see in the USAPAN series. All kinds of suggestions and comments are welcome!
How would you like to contribute to the Usapan Series? If you have any topics that you would like to share, please write below your presentation’s topic or idea, We welcome any kind of presentation — academic, creative, performance, etc.
Do you have comments or suggestions about the past events/activities of the UBC PSS. Please let us know. 🙂
How can you contribute to the UBC PSS? Attendance
Blog maintenance
Mailing List Management
Logistics during events

Put a website form like this on your site.

Written by dada.docot

December 30th, 2011 at 12:05 pm

MAHAL Art Exhibit Documentation

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MAHAL: an artistic exploration of the desires
which carry the filipina/o across borders

By Chaya Erika Go, UBC Anthropology (4th year, undergraduate)

To culminate a series of events organised by the UBC Philippine Studies Series with guest lecturer, Dr Vicente L. Rafael, an art exhibit entitled MAHAL was held at the YACTAC gallery from October 28 to November 4, 2011. The name of the exhibit was inspired as such: In his book White Love (2000), Vicente L. Rafael considers the Filipino word ‘mahal’ as a translation for the word ‘love’. It refers to that which is dear, but also means valuable and expensive. Rafael writes that such ambiguities express love as a promise of fulfilment –and a costly one.

Artists were invited to submit their interpretations of what constitutes such desires, and what a ‘border’ signifies relating to their reflections on Filipino transnationals. Both as a co-curator and a participating artist in MAHAL, this paper is written as a post-exhibit reflective analysis of the processes I engaged with in this project: (1) interpreting the theme as expressed in the submissions, (2) designing the space to narrate the whole collection, and (3) witnessing the dynamic ways a Filipino transnational community is re-created in Vancouver through MAHAL. This paper is structured in these three sections accordingly. The reflections conveyed in this paper come from my own direct experiences, which are then interwoven with analyses put forward by Filipino artists and scholars of transnationalism. Through discussions with my co-curator, and conversations with artists and guests, this paper attempts to be inclusive of the wide variety of experiences created by MAHAL, but is careful not to claim authority over these individual experiences.


Photos by Deyan Denchev

Written by dada.docot

December 21st, 2011 at 1:21 pm

Usapan 1: Education/Edukasyon

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UBC Philippine Studies Series
and the Liu Institute for Global Issues
invite you to
USAPAN “Education/Edukasyon”: What are we teaching our children?
A film screening, and a lecture by UP professor Lorina Calingasan,
and 2012 Usapan planning session.
Tuesday, December 20, 2011
4:30-6:30 pm, Liu Institute For Global Issues Boardroom (3rd Floor)
Download PDF Invite

Read the rest of this entry »

Written by dada.docot

December 16th, 2011 at 1:30 pm

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