UBC Philippine Studies Series


Archive for the ‘Feedback’ Category

Ideas for USAPAN 2012

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We are currently collecting ideas for USAPAN (Discussion), a series of talks where we will invite students of all levels to share academic and creative products involving Philippine topics, as well as their experiences as volunteer workers in the Philippines, or with organizations working on Philippine-related issues. PLEASE tell us what topics you would like to see in the USAPAN series. All kinds of suggestions and comments are welcome!
How would you like to contribute to the Usapan Series? If you have any topics that you would like to share, please write below your presentation’s topic or idea, We welcome any kind of presentation — academic, creative, performance, etc.
Do you have comments or suggestions about the past events/activities of the UBC PSS. Please let us know. 🙂
How can you contribute to the UBC PSS? Attendance
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Put a website form like this on your site.

Written by dada.docot

December 30th, 2011 at 12:05 pm

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