Monthly Archives: October 2010

BMW car recall being resolved ‘quickly’ executive says

In this article it talks about BMW cars including Rolls-Royce model between year 2001-2009 had to be recalled due to fault with power braking system. From what I’ve learnt in class is that for a business to run successfully marketing … Continue reading

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Saudi Arabia announces Blackberry messenger deadline

The article talks about United Arab Emirates planning to ban the Blackberry Messenger as they claim issues relating to security concerns. In the world today, technology plays a big role in business. It helps us to connect to other and … Continue reading

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Small-business owners might need outside help with tech

In the business world, as firms are expanding, they might need new technological tools. To protect relevant information to be erased or fall into the wrong hands, in addition expanding business would have to face with an increasing transactions, dealing … Continue reading

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Nissan launches first Thai-promoted “eco-car”

The article it talks about “Nissan” introducing it’s first Thai promoted eco-car that is supported by the government. The articles said that Nissan is entering the low-cost compact car segment. I believe that this is a strategy in order to … Continue reading

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Wall Street’s Economic Crimes Against Humanity:

The article talks about how during the financiers, brokers, and bankers are responsible for the sub prime in the United States, where loans where given to risky borrower. This had led to the collapse in the housing industry, and consequently … Continue reading

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