Excellent post by Iris Zhou on a highly debated, highly controversial topic

This post is on Iris Zhou’s topic with regards to advertisements/commercials centered on very young children wearing little and skimpy clothes (underwear and swimwear).

I want to bring light to this topic because I find it really intriguing and interesting thing that people in some cultures actually find these kind of commercials are “correct” and there is nothing “ethically wrong” with young children dressed in skimpy wear.


Is it appropriate for a 10-year old model to be “reclining seductively in stilettos and evening gowns and more makeup and jewelry than anyone under the age of 30 should be wearing” and showcased on one of the most-read magazines in the world, Vogue?


Luis Paredes, the publisher of the Lingerie Journal said that while Americans may be shocked, the line of clothing wouldn’t cause a ripple in Europe, reported NY.

This huge discrepancy in different views on children in lingerie clearly shows that the “Cultural” and “Social” aspects from CDSTEP are crucial to a company’s marketing decisions as some forms of advertisements may be completely acceptable certain areas and completely un-acceptable in other areas. It may seem like a simple marketing campaign to attract parents to purchase beautiful clothing for their young children but further studies should be carried out to determine the real impact on our society. Pictures like these encourage Pedophiles to carry out illegal activities and shift the unknowing consumer towards a society that might be potentially dangerous and harmful to young children.

Our world as we know it is very inter-connected, especially with Social Media and websites like Youtube where millions of people around the world can upload and view videos with a few clicks of the mouse. Companies that are engaging in marketing have to now not only consider the Culture of the Continent, Country and City but also have to take into account Cultures in different regions around the world to prevent incidents like these from happening.


2 thoughts on “Excellent post by Iris Zhou on a highly debated, highly controversial topic

  1. I agree – I believe global companies should take the highest moral ground and apply that standard to their activities around the world to prevent harm to vulnerable people.

    Nice connection to course concepts. Good use of hyperlinks and images to add interest. Glad to see you’ve taken care of the requirement to write a post to comment on a classmate’s blog. Keep up the good work.

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