Betula nigra ‘Cully’

Scientific name: Betula nigra ‘Cully’

Common name:  River birch

Family name: Betulaceae

Useful cultivars and selections:

USDA hardiness zone: 4

Mature height and spread: 15-22m tall, 10-15m wide

Form: Oval, uprights, multi-stemmed

Water use: High

Soil requirements: Well-drained, acidic, bog

Leaf arrangement: Simple. Alternate.

Fall colour: Yellow

Flower/cone/fruit description: Catkin. Brown nut.

Limitations: Thin bark. Needs full sun.

Suitable uses: Best out of birches with respect to disease resistance

Quick ID: Dec. tree. Brown nut. Simple. Alternate. Diamond-shaped leaves. Strong veins. Leaf base just less than flat; double serrate. Peeling bark (purplish).

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