Scientific name: Salix scouleriana
Common name: Western pussy willow
Family name: Salicaceae
Useful cultivars and selections:
USDA hardiness zone: 4
Mature height and spread: 5-7m tall, 4-5m wide
Form: oval, upright
Water use: high
Soil requirements: bog
Leaf arrangement: simple. Alternate.
Fall colour: insignificant
Flower/cone/fruit description: Catkin. Brown capsules; insignificant.
Limitations: needs a bog. Messy looking.
Suitable uses: Grows quickly, attracts wildlife.
Quick ID: Dec. shrub. Simple. Alternate. Elliptic. Green on top, silver white on bottom. Small catkins (pussy willow-like). Many bids congested at tip. Fuzzy buds and stems (lightly).