Scientific name: Taxodium distichum var. distichum
Common name: swamp cypress
Family name: Cupressaceae
Useful cultivars and selections:
USDA hardiness zone: 5
Mature height and spread: 22-30m tall, 5-7m wide
Form: feathery, broader crown, pyramidal
Water use: moderate
Soil requirements: well-drained, soil high in silt (less acidic)
Leaf arrangement: needle-like, compound. Alternate.
Fall colour: bronze
Flower/cone/fruit description: cone (very small). No flowers.
Limitations: Roots come up to the surface (called knees; are for stability); tripping hazard. Grows very slowly.
Suitable uses: Good for in winter as lets light in.
Quick ID: Dec. Coniferous tree. needle-like leaflets on branchlets, pinnately compound. Alternate. Arranged decussately.