Osmanthus delavayi

Scientific name: Osmanthus delavayi

Common name: tea olive

Family name: Oleaceae

Useful cultivars and selections:

USDA hardiness zone: 7

Mature height and spread: 2-3m wide and tall

Form: round and arching

Water use: moderate

Soil requirements: alkaline

Leaf arrangement: simple. Opposite.

Fall colour: none.

Flower/cone/fruit description: tubular clustered showy white flowers. Black/blue drupe.

Limitations: dark appearance in landscape

Suitable uses: hedge. Barrier. Great in spring.

Quick ID: evergreen shrub. China. Simple. Opposite. Leather texture. Ovate. Serrate. Black/blue drupe. More obviously serrated than other osmanthus. Large leaves. Decussate at tips of stems. Tan brown stems. Variegated on some leaves.





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