Quercus robur

Scientific name: Quercus robur

Common name: English oak

Family name: Fagaceae

Useful cultivars and selections: sky rocket (narrow)

USDA hardiness zone: 5

Mature height and spread: over 30m tall, 15-25m wide

Form: round, irregular

Water use: moderate

Soil requirements: well-drained

Leaf arrangement: simple. Alternate.

Fall colour: brown, not great

Flower/cone/fruit description: insignificant flower; catkin. Brown nut.

Limitations: large tree and looks un-kept and awkward when young. Anthraxnose and powderly mildew.

Suitable uses: screening. Adapatable. Good park tree.

Quick ID: dec. tree. Simple. Alternate. Lobed. Leaf blade very narrow at petiole. Clustered buds on tips. Brown nut (capsule 50% of nut size). Europe. Shallow/rounded lobed (like Frainetto). Short petioles.

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