Scientific name: Rhododendron ‘Vulcan’
Common name: red rhododendron
Family name: Ericaceae
Useful cultivars and selections:
USDA hardiness zone: 6
Mature height and spread: 0.7-1.3m tall, 2-3m wide
Form: vase, dense
Water use: moderate
Soil requirements: acidic
Leaf arrangement: simple, alternate
Fall colour: none
Flower/cone/fruit description: showy, red, tubular flowers. Insignificant fruit.
Limitations: nothing specific. But kind of dirty looking flower parts after bloom
Suitable uses: late flowering
Quick ID: evergreen. Shrub. Simple. Alternate. Leathery. Entire margins. Smaller leaves than unique. Longer, more lanceolate leaves and back of leaves similar to unique but more brown. Lots of flower buds at tips. Not fuzzy.