Camellia japonica

Scientific name: Camellia japonica

Common name:  common camellia

Family name: Theaceae

Useful cultivars and selections:

USDA hardiness zone: 7

Mature height and spread: 2-5m height, 3-4m wide

Form: dense, oval

Water use: moderate

Soil requirements: well-drained, acidic

Leaf arrangement: simple. Alternate.

Fall colour: none

Flower/cone/fruit description: solitary, showy pink/red flowers. Brown capsule

Limitations: dislikes heat; if gets hot insects are attracted to it.

Suitable uses: accent plant. Cut flower. Reflects light due to bending leaves. Drought, shade and compaction tolerant.

Quick ID: evergreen. Shrub. Simple. Alternate. Elliptic leaves. Glossy. Very rounded buds (unique). Fine marginal serrations. Leaf bends at tip (slightly concave).

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