Thuja plicata (N)

Scientific name: Thuja plicata (N)

Common name: Western red cedar

Family name: Cupressaceae

Useful cultivars and selections: Green giant

USDA hardiness zone: 6

Mature height and spread: 10-20m tall, 8-12m wide

Form: pyramidal, wide, conical

Water use: moderate

Soil requirements: acidic, well-drained

Leaf arrangement: scale-like, opposite, imbricate

Fall colour: none

Flower/cone/fruit description: Dioecious. Cone, brown.

Limitations: if hedge not well irrigated get die back. Competes with neighbours for water

Suitable uses: forestry, sheared hedge. Great wood; doesn’t rot

Quick ID: Conifer. scale-like, scales overlap each other. Cones have prickles on end; stick to mittens. Evergreen. Needles smell like pineapples (unique)

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