Monthly Archives: November 2015

Osmanthus x burkwoodii

Scientific name: Osmanthus x burkwoodii

Common name: Burkwood osmanthus

Family name: Oleaceae

Useful cultivars and selections:

USDA hardiness zone: 7

Mature height and spread: 2-3m high and wide

Form: twiggy and round, dense

Water use: moderate

Soil requirements: well-drained. Acidic.

Leaf arrangement: simple. Opposite.

Fall colour: none.

Flower/cone/fruit description: clustered flowers; tubular and showy. Black/blue drupe.

Limitations: don’t put in a pot. Likes irrigation and protection from winds. If prune, will not flower.

Suitable uses: hedge. Good smelling flowers.

Quick ID: Evergreen. Shrub. Simple. Opposite. Leather texture. Small teeth and very twiggy. Glossy ovate. Leaves on leading shoots decussate.


Ilex aquifolium

Scientific name: Ilex aquifolium

Common name: English holly

Family name: Aquifoliaceae

Useful cultivars and selections:

USDA hardiness zone: 7

Mature height and spread: 10-15m tall, 7-10m wide

Form: Pyramidal, upright

Water use: moderate

Soil requirements: well-drained, acidic

Leaf arrangement: simple. alternate

Fall colour: none.

Flower/cone/fruit description: cyme flower; insignificant. Red drupe; persistent.

Limitations: invasive. Don’t plant

Suitable uses: hedge. Good to keep people out of places. Tough and adaptable.

Quick ID: evergreen. Shrub. Europe/Africa. Simple. Alternate. Leather texture. Ovate/elliptic.  Persistent red drupe in clusters. Prickly on some leaves and smooth on others. Green Stems. Male and female parts on different trees.

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Hedera hibernica

Scientific name: Hedera hibernica

Common name: evergreen ivy

Family name: Araliaceae

Useful cultivars and selections:

USDA hardiness zone:

Mature height and spread: 20-30m high. 4-8m wide

Form: climbing

Water use: moderate

Soil requirements: well-drained. moist

Leaf arrangement: simple. Alternate .

Fall colour: none

Flower/cone/fruit description: blue, black berries.

Limitations: poisonous berries. Invasive. Don’t plant

Suitable uses: don’t use.

Quick ID: evergreen. Climbing vine. Blue/black berries. Simple. Alternate. Palmately lobed leaves (5), curved petioles, purple stems, no veins on back of young leaves. Young leaves not as lobes as older ones.

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Fatsia japonica

Scientific name: Fatsia japonica

Common name: fatsia

Family name: Araliaceae

Useful cultivars and selections:

USDA hardiness zone: 5

Mature height and spread: 5m by 5m

Form: upright, multi-stemmed.

Water use: moderate

Soil requirements: well-drained

Leaf arrangement: simple. Alternate

Fall colour: none

Flower/cone/fruit description: Black berry fruit. White flower clusters.

Limitations: suckering

Suitable uses: Good for tropical look.

Quick ID Evergreen. Shrub. Japan. Alternate. Simple. Unique flower clusters. Large laves; tropical looking, palmately lobed (7-9 lobes).

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Cistus x hybridus

Scientific name: Cistus x hybridus

Common name: white rockrose

Family name: Cistaceae

Useful cultivars and selections:

USDA hardiness zone: 7

Mature height and spread: 2-4feet tall and 4-5feet wide

Form: mounding

Water use: moderate

Soil requirements: well-drained

Leaf arrangement: opposite. simple

Fall colour: none

Flower/cone/fruit description: poppy looking flowers; white and crumpled looking. Lots of flowers.

Limitations: doesn’t like pruning.

Suitable uses: Very tough; good along roads.

Quick ID: Evergreen. Shrub.  Mediterranean. Opposite. Simple. Entire margins; very undulating margins (Wavy and ruffled looking). Rough leaf texture. Hairy stems and leaves.


Forsythia x intermedia ‘Lynnwood’

Scientific name: Forsythia x intermedia ‘Lynnwood’

Common name: border forsynthia

Family name: Oleaceae

Useful cultivars and selections:

USDA hardiness zone: 5

Mature height and spread: 2-3m tall and wide

Form: Irregular, arching, open

Water use: low

Soil requirements: well-drained

Leaf arrangement: simple. opposite

Fall colour: bronze, purple

Flower/cone/fruit description: solitary showy yellow flowers. Brown capsule.

Limitations: messy form

Suitable uses: great spring flowering shrub. Yellow stems that are very worty looking

Quick ID: dec. Shrub. Simple. Opposite. Showy yellow flowers. Brown capsule.Lots of buds; laterally compressed nobes. Teeth at tip. Decussate leaves.

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Cotoneaster horizontalis

Scientific name: Cotoneaster horizontalis

Common name: rockspray cotoneaster

Family name: Rosaceae

Useful cultivars and selections:

USDA hardiness zone: 4

Mature height and spread: 0.7-1.3m tall, 1-1.5m wide

Form: oval, arching

Water use: moderate

Soil requirements: well-drained

Leaf arrangement: simple. Alternate

Fall colour: Scarlet

Flower/cone/fruit description: solitary showy white/red flowers. Red/orange pome.

Limitations: looks a little unruly and messy

Suitable uses: showy leaves, fruit and flowers. Tough

Quick ID: Dec. Shrub. Simple. Alternate. Elliptic. Red pome; lots along branches. Very tiny leaves (3mm). China. Branches come up at 90degrees to stem and close together (unique looking)


Arctostaphylos uva-ursi (N)

Scientific name: Arctostaphylos uva-ursi (N)

Common name: bearberry

Family name: Ericaceae

Useful cultivars and selections: Vancouver Jade (pink flowers)

USDA hardiness zone: 2

Mature height and spread: 0.1m-0.2m tall, 1-1.5m tall

Form: creeping , spreading, low

Water use: low

Soil requirements: acidic

Leaf arrangement: simple. Alternate.

Fall colour: none/bronze

Flower/cone/fruit description: raceme flowers; showy and white. Red drupe.

Limitations: only likes full sun

Suitable uses: very tough. Tidy leaves.

Quick ID: Evergreen. Shrub. B.C. Simple. Alternate. Oblong. Red drupe. Pink stems, urn shaped flowers. Leaves held up. Smooth edges. Very small leaves


Lonicera ligustrina var. pileata

Scientific name: Lonicera ligustrina var. pileata

Common name: privet honeysuckle

Family name: Caprifoliaceae

Useful cultivars and selections:

USDA hardiness zone: 6

Mature height and spread: 2 feet tall and 8 feet wide

Form: low, spreading

Water use: moderate

Soil requirements: well-drained

Leaf arrangement: Simple. Opposite.

Fall colour: none

Flower/cone/fruit description: purple berries; singular. Insignificant flowers

Limitations: none

Suitable uses: Grown as ground cover. Tough. Low maintenance. Knits together very well.

Quick ID: Evergreen. Shrub. China. Small, tidy leaves, lanceolate. Purple berries.

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Abelia ‘Edward Goucher’

Scientific name: Abelia ‘Edward Goucher’

Common name: pink abelia

Family name: Caprifoliaceae

Useful cultivars and selections:

USDA hardiness zone: 7

Mature height and spread: 1.3-2m tall and wide

Form: rounded, dense

Water use: moderate

Soil requirements: well-drained, acidic

Leaf arrangement: Simple. Opposite.

Fall colour: green/yellow; none

Flower/cone/fruit description: cyme flowers; tubular and white. Brown capsule.

Limitations: Doesn’t prune well. Can get quite large

Suitable uses: hedge, group plantings. Tolerant. Great for bees. Nice in all seasons

Quick ID: Semi-Evergreen. Shrub. Red branches. Simple. Opposite. Ovate. Brown capsule. Tubular flowers. Leaves in whorls along stems. Small leaves and short petioles. Persistent flowers castings (very nice looking)

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